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Optimize Your Baby's Health with the Ultimate Milk Intake Chart in Singapore

Baby Milk Intake Chart Singapore

Discover the ideal baby milk intake for your little one with our comprehensive Baby Milk Intake Chart Singapore. Ensure their nutrition is on track!

Babies are the most delicate creatures on this planet, and taking care of their health is a priority for all parents. One of the essential aspects of a baby's health is milk intake. As a parent, it can be tough to determine how much milk your baby needs. But don't worry anymore because in this article, we will provide you with a baby milk intake chart for Singapore that will ensure your baby is getting the right amount of nutrition.

Did you know that it is essential to give your baby sufficient milk to meet their nutritional needs? According to experts, babies must drink a specific amount of milk based on their age, weight, and development. Each baby is different, and their milk intake requirements will differ too.

When it comes to babies' milk intake, there is no one-size-fits-all formula. However, you can take a cue from this baby milk intake chart Singapore:

|Age (Months)|Milk Amount (oz/day)|Number of Feedings||---|---|---||Newborns to 1 month old|19-30|6-8||1 month to 2 months old|22-32|5-7||3 months to 4 months old|24-34|5-6||5 months to 6 months old|25-36|4-5||7 months to 12 months old|24-32|3-4|

The above table is only a rough estimate, and pediatricians suggest never exceeding more than 1000ml in a day as too much milk can cause iron deficiency. Milk consumption above the recommended limit may result in anemia as it reduces iron absorption in infants. Prolonged iron deficiency leads to developmental delays, poor growth, and long-term health complications.

You might be wondering when exactly to introduce solids when your baby is still taking milk, and how does this impact milk intake? From six months old, babies can digest solids and it is recommended to introduce them slowly. They should be gradually introduced to up to three meals a day alongside their usual milk diet.

As your baby grows from a newborn to an infant, there are changes in their feeding requirements. Keeping up with these changes can be demanding for parents; that's why the baby milk intake chart Singapore guides you through each growth stage.

The transition from milk dependence to solids is a crucial milestone in a baby's development. It determines how their digestive system will function, impacting their immunity levels, growth, bone density, and brain development. Therefore, it is essential to keep track of the right milk intake for your baby according to the given chart.

When your baby transitions from one stage to another, it can be challenging to determine if their milk intake needs to be adjusted. Their newfound mobility and activity level might require a bit more milk. So if you notice your baby demands more milk in a day or the feedings have become shorter, then do not hesitate to adjust their consumption accordingly.

By following the baby milk intake chart Singapore, you will ensure your baby's nutritional needs are met in every stage of their development. This ensures that they get the necessary nutrients from milk, necessary to support their growth and development. Remember, breastmilk or formula milk is the primary source of food and nutrition for your baby, so ensure you track the right amount your baby is getting daily.

In conclusion, if you're a parent looking for reassurance when it comes to feeding your precious baby, this baby milk intake chart Singapore provides all the necessary information you need. Your baby's health and safety are paramount, especially during their fragile early years - so start using the chart today and ensure your baby gets the right nutrition they deserve!

As a new parent, it can be daunting to know how much milk your baby needs to consume. This is especially true for first-time parents who are learning all about their newborn. Fortunately, there are baby milk intake charts available in Singapore that can guide parents on how much milk their baby needs based on their age and weight.

The Importance of Baby Milk Intake Chart

A good baby milk intake chart acts as a guideline for parents to ensure they're providing enough nutrients and calories required by their growing baby. Babies require different amounts of milk depending on their weight and age, so it's essential to know how much to feed them. Without knowing the right amount, parents may end up over or underfeeding their babies. Overfeeding may result in excessive weight gain, bloating, colic, and indigestion while underfeeding may lead to poor weight gain, malnutrition, and developmental issues.

The Different Types of Baby Milk in Singapore

In Singapore, there are various types of milk formula available in the market, each specially formulated to cater to different developmental stages of the baby. The most common types include:

Cow’s Milk Formula

This type is the most popular baby formula in Singapore, and it's based on cow's milk. Several brands are available in the market with varying nutritional components, but they all aim to provide adequate nutrients for your baby's growth. It's suitable for babies aged six months and above and may come in different variations such as soy, organic, or lactose-free.

Soy Milk Formula

This type is made from soybeans, making it ideal for babies who are intolerant or allergic to cow's milk. Soy milk formula has fewer calories and fat, making it an excellent choice for babies who need to manage their weight. It's suitable for babies aged six months and above, and it contains large amounts of protein and essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, and vitamins.

Hydrolyzed Protein Formula

This type of formula has a pre-digested protein component, making it an excellent option for babies with sensitive stomachs. It's also an excellent alternative for babies who are allergic to cow's milk as it's made from broken down proteins that are easier to digest. Hydrolyzed protein formulas may be a little bit expensive than Cow’s Milk Formula and may require a prescription from the doctor.

Baby Milk Intake Chart Based on Age and Weight

Generally, infants aged between zero to six months should consume only breastmilk for the first four to six months, followed by formula milk if needed. At this stage, babies require at least 150-210ml of milk for every kilogram of weight. For instance, a baby weighing three kilograms needs 450-630ml of milk per day, equivalent to around five to six bottles, each containing about 80-120ml of milk.

Once they're between six to eight months, they need to consume more nutritious food other than milk as they require fewer calories from milk. At this age, they're likely to take in about 200-230ml of milk for every kilogram of weight, which equates to around three to four bottles, in a day. They'll also be consuming solids such as fruits, vegetables, and purees.

By the time your baby is between nine to twelve months, he/she should be consuming around one liter of formula or breastmilk a day, divided into three to four feeds. You can introduce full cream cow's milk after they turn one year old, and you can reduce the frequency of milk intake as they start consuming more foods and snacks.

How to Monitor Your Baby’s Milk Intake

Knowing how much milk your baby should consume is vital, but monitoring their intake is equally crucial. Some signs that suggest your baby isn’t getting enough milk include:

  • Crying frequently
  • Poor weight gain
  • Feeling lethargic and inactive
  • Appearing shaky or jittery
  • Dry skin and mouth

If you notice any of these signs, then it's time to contact your doctor immediately. It could potentially be due to other underlying health issues or complications that require immediate medical attention.


In conclusion, baby formula plays a critical role in providing adequate nutrition for babies in their developmental stages. A good baby milk intake chart will guide parents on how much milk their baby needs based on their age, weight, and overall development. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that these are just guidelines, and parents must also monitor their baby's milk intake and adjust when necessary.


Babies are precious gifts to their parents. Every parent wants to give their child the best possible nutrition for their growth and development. One of the most important aspects of a baby’s diet is their milk intake. In Singapore, there are various types of baby milk formulas available on the market. It can be overwhelming for new parents to choose the right one for their child. This article will provide a comparison of the different baby milk intake charts in Singapore.

Why is Baby Milk Intake Important?

A baby’s primary source of nutrition is their milk. It contains all the necessary nutrients that they need for their growth and development. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of a baby’s life. However, not all mothers are able to breastfeed their babies. In such cases, baby milk formulas are used as a substitute. It is important to ensure that the baby is getting the right amount of milk for their age and weight.

Types of Baby Milk Formulas

There are different types of baby milk formulas available on the market. They include:

  • Cow’s milk-based formula
  • Soy-based formula
  • Hydrolyzed protein formula

Baby Milk Intake Chart by Months

Most baby milk formulas come with an intake chart that specifies the amount of milk that a baby should consume based on their weight and age. The following table shows a comparison of the recommended milk intake by month for a standard cow’s milk-based formula in Singapore:

Age (in months) Weight (in kg) Daily Milk Intake (in ml)
1 3 30-60
2 4 90-150
3 5 120-210
4 6 150-240
5 7 180-270
6 8 210-300

Differences in Baby Milk Intake Charts

There are slight variations in the recommended milk intake charts for different types of baby milk formulas. For example, soy-based formulas may require a slightly higher milk intake as compared to cow’s milk-based formulas. Similarly, hydrolyzed protein formulas may require a lower milk intake in the first few months. It is important to read the labels carefully and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Factors Affecting Baby Milk Intake

Several factors can affect a baby’s milk intake. These include:

  • Baby’s weight and age
  • Baby’s appetite and hunger cues
  • Temperature and climate
  • Baby’s activity level
  • Illness and medical conditions

Consulting a Pediatrician

If you are unsure about how much milk your baby should be taking, it is always best to consult a pediatrician. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your baby’s health and needs. Additionally, if your baby has any health concerns or allergies, it is important to seek medical advice before trying a new baby milk formula.

The Importance of Proper Storage and Preparation

In addition to the recommended milk intake, it is also important to ensure that the baby milk formula is stored and prepared properly. Improper storage and preparation can lead to bacterial growth and other health risks. Always follow the manufacturer's instructions for storage and preparation. Additionally, make sure to clean and sterilize all equipment before use.


Babies require proper nutrition for their growth and development. Baby milk formulas are an important source of nutrition when breastfeeding is not possible. It is important to choose the right type of formula and follow the recommended milk intake charts for your baby’s age and weight. If you have any doubts or concerns, consult a pediatrician. Additionally, ensure that the formula is stored and prepared properly to reduce the risk of any health complications.


A baby's nutrition is vital to their growth and development, and breast milk is the best source of nutrition for babies. However, for various reasons, some mothers may be unable to breastfeed their babies. In that case, they may rely on formula milk. In Singapore, there are various brands and types of formula milk available in the market, making it confusing for parents to choose the right brand and type for their child. This article will provide a guide to baby milk intake in Singapore to help parents make informed decisions about their child's nutrition.

Age-appropriate Baby Milk Intake Chart

It is important to ensure that babies receive proper nutrition from the right amount of milk, depending on their age. Below is a baby milk intake chart recommended by Health Promotion Board Singapore:

Newborns (0-1 Month)

During the first few days, babies may only consume a small amount of colostrum, which is the first milk produced by the mother. As the baby grows, she will consume more milk, approximately 60-90 ml per feeding, and up to 8-12 feedings per day.

Infants (1-6 Months)

During this stage, infants will consume approximately 150-200ml per feeding, and up to 6-8 feedings per day. It is important to note that babies should not be fed too much, as this can lead to obesity.

Older Infants (7-12 Months)

As babies grow older, their need for milk decreases, and they begin to consume solid foods. At this stage, babies will consume approximately 210-240 ml of milk per feeding, and up to 4-6 feedings per day.

Types of Formula Milk

There are various types of formula milk available in the market, each with its unique ingredients and purpose. Parents should choose a formula that suits their baby's age and health conditions. Below are some types of formula milk:

Cow's Milk-Based Formula

The most commonly used type of formula is cow's milk-based formula, which is suitable for infants who do not have allergies or intolerances to cow's milk protein.

Soy-Based Formula

Soy-based formula is a good alternative for infants who are intolerant to cow's milk protein or lactose intolerant. However, soy-based formula should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional because it contains phytoestrogens that may affect hormonal development.

Specialized Formula

Specialized formula is designed for infants with special nutritional needs, such as those with allergies, colic, reflux, or preterm birth. There are various specialized formulas available, such as hydrolyzed formula, amino acid formula, elemental formula, etc. Parents should seek advice from a pediatrician before using specialized formula.

Tips for Choosing Infant Formula

Choosing the right formula milk for your baby can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision:

Read the Label Carefully

When choosing formula, it is essential to read the label carefully. Look for brands with sucrose or glucose syrup listed as the first ingredient. Choose brands that add carbohydrates from lactose and avoid those that add sugar like corn syrup, fructose, etc.

Consider Your Baby's Needs

Choose a formula that suits your baby's age, nutritional needs, and health conditions. Consult a pediatrician if your baby has any health issues or allergies.

Check the Price

Formula milk can be expensive, and prices may vary depending on the brand and type of formula. Consider your budget when choosing formula for your baby. However, do not compromise quality over price because your baby's health is priceless.

Avoid Overfeeding

Overfeeding can lead to obesity and other health issues. Follow the recommended volume and frequency of feeding according to your baby's age.


Breast milk is the best source of nutrition for infants. However, for various reasons, some mothers may be unable to breastfeed, and formula milk may be used as an alternative. It is essential to choose the right brand and type of formula milk for your baby's age, nutritional needs, and health conditions. By following the recommended baby milk intake chart and tips provided in this article, parents can ensure their baby receives proper nutrition and grows up healthy and happy.

Hello! If you are a new parent or a parent-to-be, then you must be searching for a baby milk intake chart Singapore to make sure that you are feeding your little one the right amount of milk. This article will guide you through the different factors that can affect your baby's milk intake and help you create a feeding schedule that suits your baby's needs.

Firstly, it is important to understand that every baby is unique and will have different feeding patterns. The most important aspect of feeding your baby is to trust your instincts and respond to your baby's cues. This means that if your baby seems hungry or thirsty, you should feed them, regardless of what the chart tells you.

However, having a baby milk intake chart Singapore can be helpful in establishing a feeding schedule and ensuring that your baby is getting enough milk. The chart will provide you with guidelines on how much milk your baby should be consuming based on their age and weight.

It is important to note that breastfed babies and formula-fed babies will have different feeding patterns. Breastfed babies tend to feed more frequently than formula-fed babies as breast milk is easier to digest. Therefore, breastfed babies may consume smaller amounts of milk in a single feed but more frequently throughout the day.

On the other hand, formula-fed babies require larger feeds as formula milk takes longer to digest. Formula-fed babies may feed less frequently, but they will consume larger volumes of milk at each feed.

Another factor that can affect your baby's milk intake is growth spurts. During growth spurts, your baby may become hungrier and require more frequent feeds. This is normal and is your baby's way of telling you that they need more milk to support their rapid growth.

You may also notice changes in your baby's feeding patterns when they are experiencing discomfort or pain, such as teething or illnesses. During these times, your baby may be less interested in feeding or may refuse to feed altogether.

It is important to listen to your baby's cues during these times and to offer comfort and support. You may need to adjust your feeding schedule to accommodate your baby's needs during these periods of discomfort.

When using a baby milk intake chart Singapore, it is essential to keep in mind that the guidelines provided are not set in stone. Your baby's individual needs may differ from what is recommended on the chart, and that is okay.

The best way to ensure that your baby is getting enough milk is to monitor their growth, development, and behavior. If you notice any changes in their appetite or behavior, it may be an indication that they need more or less milk.

In conclusion, a baby milk intake chart Singapore can be a helpful tool in establishing a feeding schedule for your little one. However, it is essential to remember that every baby is unique and will have different feeding patterns. The most important thing is to trust your instincts, respond to your baby's cues, and monitor their growth and development closely. Happy feeding!

People Also Ask About Baby Milk Intake Chart Singapore:

  1. What is a baby milk intake chart?
  2. A baby milk intake chart is a guide that helps parents keep track of how much milk their baby is drinking over time. This chart can help parents monitor their baby's growth and ensure that they are getting enough milk to support their development.

  3. How much milk should my newborn be drinking?
  4. Newborns should be drinking about 2-3 ounces of milk per feeding, typically eight to 12 times a day. However, every baby is different and some may need more or less milk at certain times of the day.

  5. How does my baby's age affect their milk intake?
  6. As babies grow, their milk intake typically increases. For example, a four-month-old baby may drink 4-6 ounces of milk per feeding, while a nine-month-old may drink 6-8 ounces. It's important to monitor your baby's weight gain and consult with their pediatrician to ensure they are getting the right amount of milk for their age and size.

  7. Should I be worried if my baby is drinking too much or too little milk?
  8. If your baby is consistently drinking more or less milk than recommended for their age, it's important to consult with their pediatrician. Drinking too little milk can lead to insufficient nutrition and slow growth, while drinking too much milk can lead to excessive weight gain and other health issues.

  9. What other factors should I consider when monitoring my baby's milk intake?
  10. Other factors that can affect your baby's milk intake include their appetite, feeding schedule, and any health conditions they may have. It's important to keep track of any changes in their eating habits and discuss them with their pediatrician.

People Also Ask about Baby Milk Intake Chart Singapore

1. How much milk should a baby drink in Singapore?

It is recommended that newborns consume around 60-90ml of milk per feeding, with approximately 8-12 feedings per day. As the baby grows, the milk intake gradually increases. By the time they reach 6 months, babies typically consume between 150-240ml per feeding, with 4-5 feedings per day.

2. How often should I feed my baby?

Newborns generally need to be fed every 2-3 hours, or whenever they show signs of hunger. As they grow older, the frequency of feedings may decrease, and you can start establishing a more structured feeding schedule. It is important to pay attention to your baby's hunger cues and feed them on demand.

3. Can I overfeed my baby with milk?

Yes, it is possible to overfeed a baby with milk. Overfeeding can lead to discomfort, excessive weight gain, and potential digestive issues. It is important to follow the recommended milk intake guidelines for your baby's age and consult with a pediatrician if you have any concerns about their feeding habits.

4. How do I know if my baby is getting enough milk?

There are several signs that indicate if your baby is getting enough milk. These include regular weight gain, producing a sufficient number of wet diapers (around 6-8 per day), having a good overall growth rate, and appearing satisfied after feedings. If you have concerns about your baby's milk intake, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional.

5. Can I mix breast milk and formula?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to mix breast milk and formula if needed. Some mothers choose to supplement with formula or transition from breastfeeding to formula feeding gradually. It is important to follow proper guidelines for mixing and storing breast milk and formula, as well as consulting with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


Understanding the appropriate milk intake for your baby is essential for their growth and development. By following the recommended guidelines and consulting with healthcare professionals when needed, you can ensure that your baby receives the right amount of nutrition for their age and needs.