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Get Hired Now: Earn Extra Cash with Give Out Flyers Job in Singapore

Give Out Flyers Job Singapore

Looking for a flexible part-time job in Singapore? Earn extra income by giving out flyers and promoting events. Apply now!

Are you looking for a flexible job that allows you to work on your own terms? Do you enjoy interacting with people and are not afraid of being outdoors? Then consider giving out flyers in Singapore!Giving out flyers is a popular job in Singapore, especially for students or those looking for part-time work. It involves distributing flyers or promotional materials in busy public areas such as train stations, malls or universities.One of the benefits of this job is that it requires no prior experience, just a positive attitude and a willingness to approach people. You can work at your own pace and choose the locations and hours that best suit you.In addition to being a flexible job, giving out flyers in Singapore can also be financially rewarding. Depending on the company or organization you work for, you can earn up to $10 per hour which is a great way to supplement your income.But it’s not all about the money. This job also provides an opportunity to improve your communication, networking and time-management skills- all of which are valuable in preparing yourself for future careers.Moreover, giving out flyers in Singapore can be a fun and creative job that allows you to exercise your marketing skills. You can come up with creative ways to make your flyers stand out and get people’s attention.However, it’s important to note that this job requires perseverance and motivation. Walking around for hours under the hot sun can be tiring and some people may not always be receptive to taking flyers. But with the right mindset, this job can be a great experience and provide you with opportunities for personal development.If you’re convinced that giving out flyers in Singapore is the job for you, there are several ways to find opportunities. You can look for job postings online, check with companies and organizations in your area or even create your own flyer promoting your services as a flyer distributor.So, if you’re looking to earn some extra cash, improve your skills and have fun while doing it, consider giving out flyers in Singapore. With the right attitude and a little creativity, this job could be the solution you’ve been looking for!


There are many jobs available in Singapore, and one of the easiest and most flexible jobs is giving out flyers. This job requires no experience or qualifications, and it can be done by anyone who is willing to work hard.

What is giving out flyers?

When we talk about giving out flyers, we mean distributing leaflets, brochures, and other printed materials to people on the street or in public places. This job is usually done by companies or individuals who want to promote their products or services.

Benefits of giving out flyers job in Singapore

There are several benefits of working as a flyer distributor in Singapore. Some of them include:

1. Flexible schedule: You can choose when you want to work. Whether it is in the morning, afternoons, evenings, or weekends, you will find a schedule that suits you.

2. Easy to start: You don't need any previous experience or qualifications to start this job. The only requirement is that you must be able to speak English and Mandarin fluently.

3. Good pay: Although the pay may not be high, you will still get paid for the hours you work. If you work hard and distribute many flyers, you can earn more money.

4. Exercise: Distributing flyers is also a good way to exercise. You will be walking around a lot, and this can help you stay fit and healthy.

How to get started

If you are interested in the giving out flyers job, here are some steps you can take to get started:

1. Look for companies that are hiring flyer distributors

You can find companies that are hiring flyer distributors by searching online or in the classifieds section of newspapers. You can also ask around and see if anyone knows of any companies that need people to distribute flyers.

2. Contact the company

Once you find a company that is hiring, you should contact them and let them know that you are interested in the job. You will need to provide them with your name, contact details, and previous work experience if you have any.

3. Attend an interview

If the company is interested in hiring you, they will invite you for an interview. During the interview, they will ask you questions about your previous work experience, availability and other things related to flyer distribution.

4. Start working

If you pass the interview, the company will give you the flyers to distribute. You will be given a map of the area where you will be distributing the flyers, and you will need to follow it carefully to ensure that you distribute all the flyers.

Tips for giving out flyers in Singapore

If you want to be successful as a flyer distributor, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Dress comfortably: The job involves a lot of walking, so you should dress in comfortable shoes and clothes.

2. Be polite: When approaching people, you should be polite and friendly. Smile and greet them before handing them the flyer.

3. Be strategic: You should distribute the flyers in areas where there are many people and where your target market is likely to be.

4. Take breaks: You should take frequent breaks to avoid getting tired or dehydrated. This will help you stay energized and focused.


The giving out flyers job in Singapore is a great opportunity to earn some extra money and get some exercise at the same time. If you follow the tips above, you will be successful as a flyer distributor and make a valuable contribution to the company you are working for.

Comparison Article: Give Out Flyers Job in Singapore


Give out flyers job is one of the most common part-time jobs in Singapore. It is a simple and flexible job that requires minimal skills or experience, making it ideal for students, retirees, and anyone looking to earn extra income. However, not all give out flyers jobs are created equal. In this article, we will compare various aspects of give out flyers jobs in Singapore, such as payment, schedule, location, and difficulty level, to help you decide which one suits you best.


One of the primary considerations when choosing a give out flyers job is payment. While most give out flyers jobs pay on an hourly basis, the rate varies greatly among different companies. Some companies offer as low as $7 per hour, while others pay up to $15 per hour. Moreover, some companies may also offer additional incentives such as bonuses for meeting specific targets or commissions for sales generated from their flyers. Therefore, it is essential to carefully review the payment structure before accepting a job offer.


It is recommended to choose a company that offers a decent hourly rate and additional incentives if possible. However, it's important to note that higher payment does not always mean better quality of work or easier task.


Another critical aspect of give out flyers jobs is the schedule. Some jobs require fixed working hours, whereas others offer a more flexible schedule. For instance, some companies may have specific time slots during which they need flyers to be distributed, while others may allow their flyers to be given out anytime within a certain period. Additionally, some companies may also offer both regular and ad-hoc jobs, giving workers the flexibility to choose when they want to work.


It is crucial to choose a give out flyers job that fits your schedule and offers the flexibility you need. If you have other commitments such as school or family, it's best to look for a job with a flexible schedule. However, if you prefer a more structured working environment, a job with fixed hours may be more suitable.


The location of the job is also an essential factor to consider. Some companies may require workers to travel to different locations to distribute their flyers, while others may only operate in specific areas. Moreover, the distance between the company's location and the distribution site can affect the time and cost of commuting. Therefore, it's essential to choose a job that is convenient for you and won't add significant transportation expenses.


Generally, it is recommended to choose a give out flyers job that operates within your area of residence or near your workplace or school. This will not only save you time and money but also make the job more comfortable and less stressful.

Difficulty Level

Finally, the difficulty level of the give out flyers job is a crucial consideration. While distributing flyers may seem like a simple task, it can be physically demanding, especially if there is a lot of walking or standing involved. Moreover, some jobs may require workers to engage with people and actively promote the product or service being advertised, which can be challenging for some individuals. Therefore, it's important to assess the requirements of the job and determine whether you can handle them.


It is advisable to choose a give out flyers job that matches your physical and mental capabilities. If you have health issues or discomfort with social interactions, it's best to avoid jobs that require long hours of walking or active promotion. However, if you enjoy physical activities and can confidently communicate and persuade others, these jobs may be a good fit for you.

Overall Assessment

Factors Ideal Job Less Ideal Job
Payment $10-$15 per hour + incentives Below $7 per hour
Schedule Flexible and ad-hoc Fixed and rigid
Location Near home or workplace Far from home or work
Difficulty Level Moderate physical demands and minimal social interaction High physical demands and extensive social interaction


Choosing the right give out flyers job in Singapore requires careful consideration of various factors, including payment, schedule, location, and difficulty level. By assessing these factors, you can determine which job suits your needs and preferences and maximize your earning potential while enjoying the work.

Flyer distribution is still one of the most effective forms of advertising in Singapore, despite the rise of digital marketing. If you're looking for a part-time gig in Singapore, giving out flyers can be a great way to earn some extra cash on the side. Here are some tips for making the most out of your flyer distribution job:

1. Know Your Target Audience

Before you start handing out flyers, it's important to know who you're targeting. Think about the product or service being advertised and who would be most likely to be interested in it. If you're not sure, ask the company you're working for. This will help you target the right people and avoid wasting your time on people who aren't interested.

2. Dress Appropriately

Your appearance can make a big difference when giving out flyers. Dress professionally and comfortably, and make sure your clothes are appropriate for the weather. Wear comfortable shoes since you'll be on your feet for a while.

3. Choose the Right Location

Location is key when it comes to flyer distribution. Find a high-traffic area where your target audience is likely to be. For example, if you're promoting a new gym, try handing out flyers near other gyms or fitness centers. Avoid congested areas or places that might not be relevant to your target audience.

4. Be Polite and Personable

When approaching people to hand out flyers, say hello and be polite. Smile and make eye contact. Give them a brief introduction to the product or service you're advertising and offer them a flyer if they're interested. Remember to thank them for their time and be respectful if they decline.

5. Time It Right

Timing is everything when it comes to flyer distribution. Consider the time of day and day of the week when the target audience is most likely to be out and about. For example, if you're advertising a new restaurant, consider handing out flyers during lunchtime or in the evening when people are more likely to be looking for dining options.

6. Engage with Your Audience

If someone stops to chat with you, engage them in conversation. Ask them if they have any questions about the product or service being advertised. Don't be pushy, but be prepared to answer questions and offer additional information if they're interested.

7. Keep It Neat

Don't litter! If someone declines a flyer, take it back and discard it appropriately. As you hand out flyers, make sure the area around you stays clean and tidy.

8. Take Breaks

Flyer distribution can be physically demanding, so be sure to take regular breaks. Drink plenty of water and don't overdo it. Take breaks when you're feeling tired or thirsty.

9. Be Safe

When choosing a location, always prioritize your safety. Avoid dark or secluded areas and don't approach anyone who looks dangerous or is acting suspiciously. If you're working alone, let someone know where you'll be and when you'll be finished.

10. Keep Track of Your Progress

Take note of how many flyers you hand out, which locations were the most successful, and what times of day were the busiest. This information can be helpful for future flyer distribution efforts and can help you optimize your strategy for maximum effectiveness.

In conclusion, giving out flyers can be an easy and effective way to make extra money in Singapore. Follow these tips and you'll be well on your way to success!

Hello, lovely blog visitors! If you are interested in being a flyer distributor in Singapore, you've come to the right place. In this article, we will explore what it takes to become a flyer distributor, what the job entails, and how to find opportunities.

Firstly, let's discuss what being a flyer distributor means. Essentially, it involves handing out flyers to members of the public in high traffic areas such as shopping malls or near MRT stations. It is a physical job that requires plenty of walking and standing, so be prepared for some exercise!

One of the main benefits of being a flyer distributor is the flexibility of the job. Many distributors work on a freelance basis, meaning that they can choose which days and hours they want to work. This makes it an appealing option for those who have other commitments, such as studying or caring for family members.

However, it is important to note that being a flyer distributor may not always provide a stable income. The pay can vary depending on the company or event you are distributing for, and there may be days where there are no opportunities available.

If you are still interested in pursuing this job, the next step is to find opportunities. A simple Google search can provide a list of companies that offer flyer distribution services in Singapore. Some popular options include Adpost Singapore and SGD Flyer Distribution.

Another way to find opportunities is to keep an eye out for posters or advertisements in public areas such as noticeboards or on lamp posts. These will often have contact details for companies looking for distributors.

Once you have found an opportunity that interests you, the next step is to apply. Usually, this involves sending an email with your resume and a brief introduction about yourself. Be sure to highlight any relevant experience you have, such as previous customer service roles.

If you are successful in your application, it's important to note that there may be some training involved. This will usually involve learning about the products or services being advertised and how to approach members of the public in a friendly and engaging manner.

When it comes to actually distributing flyers, there are a few things to keep in mind. Firstly, always be polite and approachable. Members of the public are more likely to take a flyer from someone who is friendly and welcoming.

Secondly, be prepared for rejection. Not everyone will want to take a flyer, and that's okay. Don't take it personally and move on to the next person.

Lastly, make sure to respect any rules or guidelines given by the company you are distributing for. This may include only distributing in certain areas or wearing a specific uniform.

In conclusion, being a flyer distributor can be a flexible and rewarding job for those who enjoy working outdoors and interacting with members of the public. While it may not always provide a stable income, there are plenty of opportunities available in Singapore for those who are interested.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful to any potential flyer distributors out there. Best of luck with finding your next opportunity!

Here are some common questions and answers about the Give Out Flyers Job in Singapore:

  1. What is a Give Out Flyers Job and what does it involve?

    A Give Out Flyers Job involves distributing flyers or leaflets in public areas such as shopping malls, transport hubs, or residential neighborhoods. The goal is to promote a particular product, service, or event and generate interest or sales. This job is suitable for people who enjoy working outdoors and can withstand long hours of walking or standing.

  2. Do I need any specific qualifications or experience to do this job?

    No, you do not need any specific qualifications or experience to do this job. However, you should be physically fit and able to communicate effectively with the public. Some employers may provide training on how to distribute flyers and interact with potential customers.

  3. What are the working hours and pay for the Give Out Flyers Job?

    The working hours and pay for this job can vary depending on the employer and the location of the job. Most jobs require workers to be available on weekends and public holidays when there is high foot traffic. Pay can range from $7-$12 per hour, depending on the duration of the job and the complexity of the task.

  4. Is there a dress code for the Give Out Flyers Job?

    Yes, there is usually a dress code for this job since you will be representing the company or organization you are promoting. Employers may provide uniforms or specify clothing requirements such as wearing comfortable shoes, neutral colors, or branding merchandise.

  5. What are some tips for being successful in the Give Out Flyers Job?

    • Be friendly and approachable when distributing flyers
    • Choose high-traffic locations to distribute flyers
    • Be knowledgeable about the product or service you are promoting
    • Provide a clear call-to-action, such as including a discount or promotion code
    • Stay hydrated and take breaks when necessary

People Also Ask about Give Out Flyers Job Singapore

1. How can I find a job as a flyer distributor in Singapore?

There are several ways to find a job as a flyer distributor in Singapore:

  • Check online job portals and classified ads websites for job listings.
  • Visit local employment agencies that specialize in part-time or temporary jobs.
  • Network with friends, family, or acquaintances who may know of available positions.
  • Contact companies directly and inquire if they require flyer distributors.

2. What are the requirements for a flyer distribution job in Singapore?

The requirements for a flyer distribution job in Singapore may vary depending on the employer. However, common requirements include:

  1. Minimum age of 16 or above.
  2. Physical fitness to walk or stand for extended periods.
  3. Good communication skills.
  4. Ability to work independently and follow instructions.
  5. Reliability and punctuality.

3. How much can I earn as a flyer distributor in Singapore?

The earnings for a flyer distributor in Singapore can vary based on factors such as the number of flyers distributed, the duration of the job, and the location. On average, you can expect to earn around SGD 8 to SGD 12 per hour.

4. Are there any specific working hours for flyer distribution jobs in Singapore?

The working hours for flyer distribution jobs in Singapore can vary depending on the employer and the nature of the job. Some employers may require distributors to work during specific hours, while others may offer flexible schedules. It is advisable to clarify the working hours with the employer before accepting the job.

5. Are there any additional responsibilities apart from distributing flyers?

In some cases, flyer distributors in Singapore may be required to perform additional tasks apart from distributing flyers. These tasks may include:

  • Assisting with event setup or dismantling.
  • Collecting feedback or data from potential customers.
  • Promoting specific products or services.
  • Answering basic inquiries from the public.

It is essential to inquire about any additional responsibilities during the job interview or when discussing the job scope with the employer.