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Find Your Lost Belongings with the Help of Singapore Police Lost and Found Services

Lost And Found Singapore Police

Discover Lost And Found Singapore Police. Report your lost items, locate missing belongings, and get assistance from Singapore Police Force.

Lost And Found Singapore Police: Finding What You've LostWe've all been there - the sinking feeling in your stomach when you realize something important is missing. Whether it's your phone, your wallet, or your keys, losing something can be a frustrating and stressful experience. But fear not - if you've lost something in Singapore, there's a good chance the police can help you get it back.

One of the first things you should do if you've lost something in Singapore is file a report with the police. This may seem like a hassle, but it's an important step in the process of getting your item back. Not only does it create an official record of the incident, but it also increases the chances that someone will turn your lost item in to the authorities.

So, what happens after you file a report with the police? It depends on what you've lost. If it's a valuable item like a laptop or a watch, the police will usually take steps to try and track it down. This could involve checking surveillance footage, talking to witnesses, and carrying out other investigative work to identify potential suspects.

Even if your lost item is less valuable, the police may still be able to help you track it down. For example, if you've lost a wallet or a phone, they may be able to use the GPS signal to locate it. This can be a huge relief, as losing these items can be much more than just an inconvenience - it can also put you at risk of identity theft or fraud.

Of course, not every lost item is going to end up in the hands of a thief. Sometimes we just misplace things, and they turn up in unexpected places. In these cases, the police can still be a valuable resource. By filing a report, you're alerting the authorities to the fact that you've lost something, which means that if it is turned in to them they'll know who to contact.

But what happens if your lost item is never found? Unfortunately, this does happen sometimes. However, filing a report with the police can still be useful. For one thing, it gives you peace of mind that you've done everything you can to try and find your lost item. Additionally, if your item was stolen, having a police report on file can be useful for insurance purposes.

Of course, when it comes down to it, the best way to avoid losing something in Singapore is simply to be careful. Keep an eye on your belongings, especially in crowded areas like public transport and shopping malls. If you do lose something, don't panic - there's a good chance the police will be able to help you get it back.

All in all, the Singapore police's lost and found service is an important resource for anyone who has lost something valuable (or even just something sentimental). By filing a report with the police, you're giving yourself the best possible chance of getting your lost item back. So the next time you misplace your phone or your wallet, don't hesitate to reach out to the authorities - you'll be glad you did.

In conclusion, losing something in Singapore can be a stressful experience, but thanks to the police's lost and found service, it doesn't have to be. By taking a few simple steps, you can increase your chances of getting your lost item back, or at least finding some peace of mind. Don't let a lost item ruin your day - reach out to the Singapore Police and let them help you get it back where it belongs.

Lost and Found in Singapore: The Police Department's Role

Losing something of importance can be a stressful experience. In Singapore, citizens have a reliable source for help in the form of the Singapore Police Force's (SPF) Lost and Found Bureau. The department has been assisting citizens in tracking down lost items and reuniting them with their rightful owners for decades. This article delves into how SPF's Lost and Found Bureau operates and what citizens can do when they lose something valuable.

The Lost and Found Bureau's Function

The primary function of SPF's Lost and Found Bureau is to receive lost items from members of the public or find lost items, record, and store them until claimed by the rightful owner. This bureau handles all lost items that are not limited to personal belongings such as mobile phones, wallets, passports, and luggage but also lost pets. In cases where the department finds lost pets, they ensure that they are reunited with their owners as soon as possible.

After receiving an item, the Lost and Found team checks for identifying information, like names, phone numbers, and addresses, to contact the owner. For electronic devices like mobile phones, officers often check call logs and contact the owners' family members if necessary. Additionally, the department publicizes a list of recently found items on their official website, and they encourage those who have lost items to check the list and contact them to claim their belongings.

What to do when you lose something

If you lose an item, the first thing to do is remain calm and backtrack your steps. If you're unable to locate your belonging, file a report in person with the nearest police station immediately. To make a successful report, ensure that you provide as much detail as possible, such as the location where you last had the item, the date/time of the last sighting, what the item looks like, and any other details that might help in locating it.

After filing a report, the Lost and Found Bureau will provide you with a copy of your complaint report. Keep it safe, as this report acts as proof of ownership when claiming your property. To follow up on the progress of their complaint report, complainants can visit the police station or use an online system to check the status of their lost items.

Claiming Your Lost Items

If the Lost and Found Bureau finds your item, they'll contact you using the information provided during the filing process. Before collecting the item, prove the ownership by presenting the complaint report given to you at the police station and a valid form of identification with your photo. If you're unable to collect your item due to unavoidable circumstances like being out of town, you can authorize someone else to collect it on your behalf by providing them with the complaint report and a letter notifying the department that you've authorized them to do so.


Losing an item can be an unpleasant experience that often comes with feelings of anxiety and stress. However, with SPF's Lost and Found Bureau, citizens can rest assured that there's help available. By promptly reporting lost items and providing crucial information to officers, the maximum likelihood of having your item reunited with you increases dramatically. Following the simple guidelines provided in this article can spare you the misery of losing valuable items and ensure they are returned if misplaced.

The Lost and Found System of Singapore Police: A Comparison


When it comes to lost and found systems, one could argue that Singapore is among the best in the world. The city-state's police department has implemented an efficient system that ensures lost items are returned to their rightful owners. The system is characterized by promptness, reliability, and simplicity. But how does it compare to other lost and found systems around the world?


The lost and found system of Singapore Police is highly reliable. When a lost item is reported, the police take immediate action to locate the item and determine its rightful owner. If the owner is not found within a specific timeframe, the item is handed over to the government's National Environment Agency, which will keep it for a certain period before disposing of it. This ensures that lost items are not only quickly located but also properly handled to avoid them ending up in the hands of the wrong people.

Most lost and found systems in other parts of the world are not this reliable. In some cases, lost items are never recovered, or if they are, they have often been tampered with or damaged. The reliability of the Singapore police's lost and found system makes it stand out from the rest.


The lost and found system of Singapore Police is highly accessible. Anyone can report a lost item online or at any police station. Additionally, the police department has a dedicated hotline for lost and found items. The hotline is available 24/7, making it convenient for individuals to report lost items at any time.

Other lost and found systems around the world often lack accessibility. For example, some countries require individuals to physically visit the police station to make a report, which can be inconvenient, especially if the person doesn't live nearby.


The Singapore Police lost and found system is renowned for its speed. When an individual reports a lost item, the police take prompt action to locate it and determine the owner. In most cases, lost items are recovered within a day or two.

Other lost and found systems are often sluggish. Items may take several days or even weeks to be located, if at all. This can be frustrating for individuals who need their lost items back urgently.

Tracking System

The Singapore Police have a sophisticated tracking system that enables them to identify and locate lost items with ease. The system is designed to handle information about a lost item, including its description, location where it was lost, and time when it was lost.

In contrast, other lost and found systems lack a proper tracking system. They often rely on manual methods, which can be inefficient and prone to errors.

Service Quality

The quality of service provided by the Singapore Police lost and found system is top-notch. The police department has a team of highly trained professionals who handle lost items with care and attention to detail. Additionally, communication with the owners is prompt, and updates on the search for a lost item are provided regularly.

In contrast, other lost and found systems may lack service quality. In some cases, the search for a lost item may be handled by inexperienced personnel, leading to poor service delivery.

Data Protection

The Singapore Police lost and found system respects data protection laws. When an individual reports a lost item, their personal information is kept confidential and used only for purposes related to the lost item. Additionally, the police department takes necessary measures to prevent unauthorized access to the data collected.

Other lost and found systems may not prioritize data protection. In some cases, personal information may be shared with unauthorized parties, leading to privacy breaches.


The Singapore Police lost and found system is free of charge. Victims of lost items are not required to pay any fees to have their items recovered.

In contrast, other lost and found systems may require a fee to be paid to recover a lost item. This can be unfair, especially if the victim has already suffered a loss.


The lost and found system of the Singapore Police sets a benchmark for lost and found systems globally. Its reliability, accessibility, speed, tracking system, service quality, data protection, and cost make it an efficient and trustworthy system. Other countries could learn from the Singapore model when designing their lost and found systems to guarantee the speedy and safe return of their citizen's lost items.

Keywords Comparison
Reliability Highly reliable in Singapore and not always reliable in other countries.
Accessibility Highly accessible in Singapore and not always accessible in other countries.
Speed Renowned for its speed in Singapore and often sluggish in other countries.
Tracking System Singapore has a sophisticated tracking system while others often rely on manual methods.
Service Quality Top-notch in Singapore with highly trained professionals but can lack quality in other countries.
Data Protection Singapore prioritizes data protection while other countries may not.
Cost The Singapore system is free of charge while others may require a fee.


Losing something valuable or important can be an overwhelming experience. Whether it’s your smartphone, wallet, or passport, losing things can create a lot of trouble and inconvenience for you. Fortunately, there is hope when it comes to lost and found items in Singapore.

Step 1: Contact the Police

The first thing you should do when you realize you’ve lost your item is to contact the police. You can do this either by going to the nearest police station or by calling the Lost and Found Property Office directly. The police have a detailed database of all lost and found items in Singapore, so they are your best bet for recovering your lost item.

Step 2: Provide Details About Your Lost Item

It’s important to provide as much detail as possible about your lost item when reporting it to the police. This includes things like the brand, model, color, size, and any unique features or markings. The more information you can provide, the better your chances of finding your lost item.

Step 3: Check Online Databases

In addition to contacting the police, you can also check online databases for lost and found items in Singapore. Websites like and allow you to register your lost item and search for other lost items that have been found. These databases are an easy way to browse through different items and see if someone has found yours.

Step 4: Post on Social Media

Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter can also be a useful tool for finding lost items. You can post about your lost item on different groups and community pages, and ask people to share your post with their friends and followers. This increases the chances of your post being seen by more people, and eventually, someone might come across your lost item.

Step 5: Visit Lost and Found Property Office

If all else fails, you can visit the Lost and Found Property Office in person. Located at the Police Headquarters, the office is open Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Here, you can fill out a Lost Report and provide more details about your lost item. You can also check through their collection of lost items that have been found, to see if yours has been recovered.

Tips for Preventing Lost Items

Of course, the best way to deal with lost items is to prevent them from occurring in the first place. Here are some tips for keeping your belongings safe and secure.

Tip 1: Keep Track of Your Belongings

One of the most effective ways to prevent lost items is by being mindful of your belongings at all times. This means regularly checking that you have all your items before leaving a place, and keeping them organized and tidy when you’re on the go.

Tip 2: Label Your Items

Another way to reduce the chances of losing things is by labeling your items with your name and contact information. This includes things like your lunch box, water bottle, and luggage, which are often left behind in public places.

Tip 3: Use Tracking Devices

If you frequently lose your items or have valuable ones, you may consider investing in tracking devices like Tile or TrackR. These devices attach to your belongings and use Bluetooth technology to help you locate them using your phone.

Tip 4: Use Technology

Technology can be a powerful tool in preventing lost items. You can use apps like Smart Receipts to digitize important documents like receipts and warranty cards, and cloud storage to store copies of your passport and other important documents.

Tip 5: Keep Valuables Secure

Finally, it’s important to keep your valuables secure, especially when travelling or in crowded places. Use secure luggage locks, money belts, and hotel safes to ensure that your belongings stay safe and sound.


Losing something important or valuable can be a stressful experience, but there are ways to increase your chances of recovering lost items. By following these tips and steps, you can reduce the chances of losing things and have a better chance of finding them if they do get misplaced.

Have you ever lost your wallet, phone, or important documents while you were out in Singapore? Losing something valuable can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. But don't worry, the Singapore Police Force has a Lost and Found office that is dedicated to helping people recover their lost items.

The Lost and Found office of the Singapore Police Force is the go-to place for lost items across the country. This unit works tirelessly to track down owners of lost items and reunite them with their possessions. If you have lost something in Singapore, this is the place to check out.

The Lost and Found office in Singapore is located at the Police Headquarters at 391 New Bridge Road. The office operates from 9 am to 5 pm on weekdays, except for public holidays. You can also contact the office by calling or emailing them if you are unable to personally visit them. They provide a convenient online service that enables people to file a report or make inquiries about their lost item.

The process of reporting a lost item is quite simple. You need to fill an online form and give details about the lost item, where and when you lost it, and any information that could help in identifying the item. You have to provide personal identification details such as your name, identification number and contact number. Once you submit the form, you will receive an email containing your report and your case reference number.

However, it's not always guaranteed that the Lost and Found office will locate and return your lost item. The office usually receives a high number of lost item reports every day, and tracking down lost articles can be a long and challenging task. Therefore, it is crucial to take steps to protect yourself against loss or theft

Follow these simple steps to reduce your risk of losing your valuables

Firstly, Always keep an eye on your belongings, especially in public places like parks and shopping centers. Keep your bags and wallets close to you and avoid leaving your items unattended.

Secondly, create backups of your important documents or files. Having a backup will help you to quickly recover your data in case you lose them.

Thirdly, label your belongings with your name and contact information. If someone finds your lost item, they can easily contact you to return it.

Lastly, report the loss immediately. Don't wait too long before you report lost items. The earlier you report, the higher your chances of recovering your lost article.

In conclusion, losing something valuable can be a heart-wrenching experience, but the Singapore Police Force Lost and Found office works hard to assist people in recovering their lost items. However, prevention is always better than cure. Protect your items by being vigilant, and report the loss to the police immediately if something happens.

Thank you for reading until the end. I hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any inquiries or would like to share your experience with us, do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to hear from you.

People Also Ask about Lost and Found Singapore Police:

  1. What items can be reported as lost and found to the police?
  2. Answer: Any valuable item such as wallets, mobile phones, cameras, and important documents like passports, may be reported as lost and found to the Singapore Police Force (SPF).
  3. How can I report a lost item to the SPF?
  4. Answer: You can lodge a lost item report with the SPF through their online e-services platform or at any neighborhood police centre. It is recommended to make the report as soon as possible after discovering the loss.
  5. What if I find someone else’s lost item?
  6. Answer: If you find someone else's lost item, you should bring it to the nearest police station or post office immediately so that it can be returned to the rightful owner. Remember, keeping someone else's lost property is considered theft in Singapore.
  7. How long will the SPF keep a lost item?
  8. Answer: The SPF will keep a lost item for up to 6 months from the date it was received. If the rightful owner does not claim it within this period, the item will be disposed of or auctioned off.
  9. What happens if someone falsely claims my lost item?
  10. Answer: If someone falsely claims your lost item, the SPF will conduct an investigation to verify their claim. If it is found to be fraudulent, they may face legal consequences under Singapore law.

People Also Ask about Lost and Found Singapore Police

1. How do I report a lost item to the Singapore Police?

If you have lost an item in Singapore, you can report it to the Singapore Police Force through their online platform or by visiting your nearest police station. To report a lost item online, you need to provide details such as the date, time, and location of the loss, a description of the item, and your contact information. The police will then review your report and take appropriate action.

2. What should I do if I find a lost item in Singapore?

If you find a lost item in Singapore, you should immediately hand it over to the nearest police station. It is important not to keep the item or attempt to find the owner yourself, as this may be considered theft. By turning it in to the police, they can make efforts to locate the rightful owner and return the item to them.

3. How long does the Singapore Police keep lost items?

The Singapore Police will keep lost items for a period of three months. During this time, they will make efforts to locate the owner and return the item. If the item remains unclaimed after three months, it may be disposed of or auctioned off, depending on its value and nature.

4. Can I check with the Singapore Police if my lost item has been found?

Yes, you can check with the Singapore Police to see if your lost item has been found. You can either visit the police station in person or contact them through their hotline. Provide them with accurate details about your lost item, such as its description and the date and location of the loss. The police will then check their records and inform you if your item has been found.

5. Will the Singapore Police investigate cases of lost items?

The Singapore Police will typically prioritize cases involving serious crimes and public safety. While they do make efforts to locate owners of lost items, their resources may be limited for extensive investigations. However, if your lost item holds significant value or is related to a crime, such as theft or fraud, they may conduct a more thorough investigation.

6. Can I claim insurance for my lost item in Singapore?

Whether you can claim insurance for a lost item in Singapore depends on your insurance policy and its coverage. Some insurance policies may include coverage for lost items, while others may not. It is advisable to check your policy documents or contact your insurance provider directly to determine if you are eligible to file a claim for your lost item.