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Cornstarch vs Corn Flour Singapore: Which One Is The Best for Your Cooking Needs?

Cornstarch Vs Corn Flour Singapore

Cornstarch and corn flour are both used as thickeners in Singaporean cuisine. Learn their differences, uses, and which one to use in your recipes.

Are you confused about the difference between cornstarch and corn flour? Don't worry, you're not alone. Many people in Singapore are unsure about which one to use and when. In this article, we'll take a closer look at both cornstarch and corn flour so that you can make an informed decision.

Cornstarch vs Corn Flour: What's the Difference?

Let's start with cornstarch. This fine white powder is made from the endosperm of corn kernels. It's primarily used as a thickening agent in cooking and baking. Cornstarch is flavourless, gluten-free, and has a high starch content. When mixed with liquid and heated, it thickens to create a smooth, glossy texture.

Corn flour, on the other hand, is made from the entire corn kernel. It has a coarser texture than cornstarch and is often yellow in colour due to its containing more corn germ. Corn flour is commonly used in baking and frying. It has a slightly sweet flavour and can be used as a substitute for wheat flour.

When to Use Cornstarch

If you need to thicken soups, sauces, or stews, then cornstarch is your best bet. It's an excellent thickening agent because it creates a clear, shiny sauce while maintaining the flavour of the dish. Using too much cornstarch, however, can cause a lumpy texture. Therefore, it's essential to follow recipes that have specified quantities.

Cornstarch can also be used to make crispy coatings for fried foods such as chicken or vegetables. Mix cornstarch with flour in a 1:1 ratio, add spices to your liking, and coat the food before deep-frying. The starch creates a light, crispy coating that's perfect for your favourite fried dishes.

When to Use Corn Flour

Corn flour is a great alternative to wheat flour, making it ideal for gluten-free recipes. It's commonly used to make cornbread, muffins, and other baked goods. Unlike wheat flour, however, corn flour doesn't rise as well, so it's essential to use baking powder or baking soda to achieve the desired consistency.

Corn flour is also great for frying foods. Its slightly sweet flavour adds a unique taste to crispy fried dishes, especially when mixed with spices like paprika or cumin. Coat food in a mixture of corn flour and other spices before deep-frying, and enjoy deliciously crispy results.

The Verdict: Which One Should You Use?

Ultimately, it depends on what you're cooking. If you're making something that requires a thickening agent, such as gravy or sauce, then cornstarch is the way to go. On the other hand, if you're making baked goods or fried foods, then corn flour would be the better choice.

Now that you know the difference between cornstarch and corn flour, you can confidently use them in your cooking without confusion. Experiment with different recipes and ratios to get the perfect results you're looking for.

So, whether you're a seasoned cook or a beginner, don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try new things. Who knows, maybe your next kitchen experiment will be a booming success!

Cornstarch Vs Corn Flour Singapore

Cornstarch and corn flour are two common types of flours used in cooking, particularly in baking and thickening sauces. However, despite being made from the same grain, they are not interchangeable. In Singapore, cornstarch and corn flour are readily available in most supermarkets and grocery stores. But what are the differences between these two flours?

What is Cornstarch?

Cornstarch is derived from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is a fine, white powder that has a neutral taste and is commonly used to thicken liquids like soups, stews, and sauces. It is also a popular ingredient in baking, where it is used to create light and fluffy textures when combined with flour. Cornstarch is gluten-free, making it a suitable substitute for people with gluten allergies or intolerance.

What is Corn Flour?

Corn flour is made from whole corn kernels that are ground into a fine powder. It is commonly used in Latin American and Mexican cuisine, where it is used to make tortillas, tamales, and other dishes. Corn flour is usually yellow in color and has a slightly sweet taste, which makes it a great addition to baked goods like cakes and muffins. Unlike cornstarch, corn flour contains gluten, which gives it a heavier texture and makes it unsuitable for people with gluten allergies or intolerance.

Uses of Cornstarch and Corn Flour in Cooking

Both cornstarch and corn flour have their unique uses in cooking, and they are not interchangeable. Here are some ways you can use cornstarch and corn flour in your cooking:


  • Thickening liquids: Cornstarch is excellent for thickening soups, stews, and sauces. To use cornstarch as a thickening agent, mix it with a small amount of cold water to form a slurry, then add it to the hot liquid you want to thicken.
  • Coating foods: Cornstarch is a great coating for fried and baked foods like chicken, fish, and vegetables. It helps to create a crispy, crunchy exterior and prevents the food from sticking to the pan.
  • Baking: Cornstarch can be used to make light and fluffy cakes, muffins, and cookies when combined with flour. It helps to create a tender texture and gives the baked goods a delicate crumb.

Corn Flour

  • Mexican and Latin American cuisine: Corn flour is a staple in many Mexican and Latin American dishes. It is used to make tortillas, tamales, arepas, and other traditional foods.
  • Baking: Corn flour can be used in baking to give bread, biscuits, and muffins a slightly sweet flavor and a soft, tender texture.
  • Thickening sauces: While not as commonly used as cornstarch, corn flour can be used as a thickening agent for sauces and gravies. To use corn flour as a thickener, mix it with a small amount of cold water to form a paste, then add it to the hot liquid you want to thicken.

Cornstarch Vs Corn Flour – Which is Healthier?

Both cornstarch and corn flour are made from corn, but they have different nutritional profiles. Corn flour contains more fiber and protein than cornstarch, making it a healthier option. However, corn flour also contains gluten, which can be problematic for people with gluten allergies or intolerance.

Cornstarch, on the other hand, is gluten-free and relatively low in calories and fat. However, it is also low in fiber and protein, making it less nutritious than corn flour. Cornstarch is often used in processed foods like sauces and dressings, which can be high in salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats.


Cornstarch and corn flour are two types of flours that are commonly used in cooking. While they are both made from corn kernels, they have different uses and nutritional profiles. Cornstarch is ideal for thickening liquids and creating light and fluffy baked goods, while corn flour is a staple in Mexican and Latin American cuisine. When choosing between cornstarch and corn flour, consider your dietary needs, cooking preferences, and the recipe you are making. Both flours are readily available in Singapore and can be found in most supermarkets and grocery stores.

Cornstarch vs Corn Flour Singapore


Cornstarch and corn flour are two common ingredients used in cooking. Both are obtained from corn, but there are differences between them. This article aims to compare cornstarch and corn flour in Singaporean cuisine.

What is cornstarch?

Cornstarch is a fine powder made from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is used as a thickener for soups, sauces, and gravies. In Singapore, it is commonly used in dishes like stir-fries, sweet and sour pork, and egg drop soup.

What is corn flour?

Corn flour, also known as maize flour, is a coarse powder made by grinding corn kernels. It is commonly used for baking, particularly in making bread, muffins, and cakes. In Singapore, corn flour is used in dishes like fried chicken and crispy pork belly.


One of the main differences between cornstarch and corn flour is the texture. Cornstarch is a very fine powder that dissolves easily in liquid, creating a smooth, silky texture. Corn flour, on the other hand, has a gritty texture that can add crunchiness to dishes.


Both cornstarch and corn flour can be used as thickeners, but they have different properties. Cornstarch thickens quickly and creates a shiny, glossy finish. Corn flour takes longer to thicken, and the resulting texture is more matte. In Singapore, cornstarch is used for thickening sauces, while corn flour is used for coating meats and vegetables before frying.

Nutritional value

Cornstarch and corn flour are both high in carbohydrates but low in protein and fiber. Cornstarch has slightly fewer calories than corn flour, but it is also less nutritious. In Singaporean cuisine, both ingredients are used in moderation, so the nutritional value is not a major concern.

Gluten content

Cornstarch and corn flour are both gluten-free, which makes them safe for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. In Singapore, gluten-free diets are becoming more popular, so cornstarch and corn flour are used as substitutes for wheat flour in many recipes.

Usage in Singaporean cuisine

In Singapore, both cornstarch and corn flour are widely used in Chinese, Malay, and Indian cuisine. Cornstarch is often used in dishes like beef broccoli, hot and sour soup, and sweet and sour fish. Corn flour is used in dishes like salt and pepper squid, crispy fried prawns, and mee goreng.

Cornstarch vs corn flour in cooking

When using cornstarch, it is important to mix it with cold water before adding it to hot liquids to prevent lumps. Cornstarch should be added at the end of cooking to avoid overcooking and becoming gummy. Corn flour should be mixed with other dry ingredients before adding liquids, and it should be cooked for a longer time to thicken properly.

Table comparison

Cornstarch Corn Flour
Texture Very fine Coarse
Thickness Quick-thickening Slow-thickening
Nutritional value Low in protein and fiber Low in protein and fiber
Gluten-free Yes Yes
Usage Soups, sauces, gravies Baking, coating for frying


Cornstarch and corn flour are both versatile ingredients that can be used in Singaporean cuisine for different purposes. While they have some similarities, such as the lack of gluten and low nutritional value, they also have distinct differences in texture, thickness, and usage. Knowing how to use them properly can elevate the taste and texture of your dishes.

If you're a food enthusiast like me, you must have come across cornstarch and corn flour numerous times. While they may sound similar and have equal importance in cooking, they are both different in their own right. Knowing the difference between the two can make or break your dish.

What Is Corn Flour?

Corn flour is a fine white powder made from whole kernels of corn. It is commonly used in Asia and America as a thickening agent for dishes such as gravies, soups, and sauces. Corn flour is not the same as cornmeal or cornstarch; it is made from dried corn kernels that have been ground into a fine powder.

The Uses of Corn Flour

Corn flour is primarily used to thicken sauces and soups. It is a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour, making it an excellent choice for people with gluten intolerance. Corn flour is also used in baking cakes and other desserts. Its fine texture makes it ideal for creating a smooth and light texture in cakes and pastries.

What Is Cornstarch?

Cornstarch is another type of flour made from corn. It is a fine white powder that is extracted from the endosperm of the corn kernel. Cornstarch is popularly used in baking and cooking as a thickener for sauces, custards, and puddings. It is also used as a binder in recipes for meatballs, patties, and fish cakes.

The Uses of Cornstarch

Cornstarch is primarily used as a thickener in recipes that need a creamy or smooth texture. It doesn't add any flavor, which makes it an excellent choice for recipes where the primary focus is on the taste of the other ingredients.

Cornstarch Vs Corn Flour Singapore: Which One to Use?

Choosing between cornstarch and corn flour depends on the dish you're making. Cornflour should be used in dishes that require a crispy texture, such as fried chicken, pork chops, or onion rings. In contrast, cornstarch should be used in recipes that require a creamy or velvety texture, such as custards, puddings, or sauces.

Cornflour and Custard Powder

In some countries like India, cornflour is known as cornstarch or corn flour, while cornstarch is called custard powder. However, these two products are not interchangeable. Custard powder contains added sugar, vanilla, and color, which makes it unsuitable for use as a thickener.

How to Thicken Sauces with Corn Flour and Cornstarch

Both cornflour and cornstarch can be used to thicken sauces, soups, and gravies. Here's how to use them:

Thickening Sauces with Cornflour

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of cornflour with a small amount of cold water until it forms a smooth paste.
  • Add the paste to your sauce while whisking continuously.
  • Let the sauce simmer for a few minutes until it thickens.
  • Add more cornflour if the sauce is still not thick enough.

Thickening Sauces with Cornstarch

  • Mix 1 tablespoon of cornstarch with a small amount of cold water until it forms a smooth paste.
  • Stir the paste into your sauce while whisking continuously.
  • Let the sauce simmer for a few minutes until it thickens.
  • Add more cornstarch if the sauce is still not thick enough.

The Bottom Line

Cornflour and cornstarch are both essential ingredients in cooking and baking. They are used to thicken sauces, soups, and gravies and add texture to desserts and baked goods. However, they are not interchangeable. Cornflour should be used in dishes that require a crispy texture, while cornstarch should be used in recipes that require a creamy or velvety texture. Now that you know the difference between the two, use them wisely and elevate your dish to the next level.

Greetings readers! We hope this article has answered your questions regarding Cornstarch Vs Corn Flour in Singapore. Both ingredients have their own unique uses and benefits. Cornstarch is best for thickening sauces, gravies, and soups, while corn flour is ideal for making tortillas, bread, and other baked goods.

If you are looking for gluten-free alternatives, both cornstarch and corn flour are excellent choices. However, corn flour contains more nutrients than cornstarch, which makes it a healthier option overall.

It is important to keep in mind that the uses of cornstarch and corn flour may vary depending on the recipe. It is always best to consult a trusted recipe or chef for advice on which ingredient to use for your desired dish.

Moreover, make sure to read the label properly before purchasing either cornstarch or corn flour to ensure you are buying the correct type of product for your recipe. Some products may be labeled as cornstarch or corn flour but could actually be different types of flours made from other grains.

Lastly, always store your cornstarch and corn flour properly in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to maintain their freshness and quality.

We hope this article has provided you with valuable information about the differences between cornstarch and corn flour in Singapore. Whether you are a professional chef or a home cook, understanding these differences will help you create delicious meals and desserts with ease.

Thank you for taking the time to read our article! Feel free to share it with anyone who may find it helpful. Happy cooking!

What is the difference between Cornstarch and Corn Flour in Singapore?

  1. Cornstarch is a fine, white powder made from the endosperm of corn. It is used as a thickening agent for sauces, gravies, and soups, and also as a coating for fried foods.
  2. Corn flour, on the other hand, is made from the whole kernel of corn. It has a coarser texture than cornstarch and is commonly used as a main ingredient in baking, such as for making tortillas or cornbread.

Can corn flour be used as a substitute for cornstarch in Singapore?

  • While cornflour and cornstarch have different textures and uses, they can be used interchangeably as a thickening agent to some extent. However, the amount needed may differ due to the difference in their thickening properties.
  • It is recommended to use cornstarch when making sauces and gravies, while cornflour is better used for baking recipes that require a crumbly texture.

Is cornstarch or cornflour healthier in Singapore?

  • Cornstarch and corn flour are both high in carbohydrates, but corn flour is slightly higher in protein and fiber compared to cornstarch.
  • However, it should be noted that consuming too much of either ingredient can lead to weight gain and other health issues.

People Also Ask About Cornstarch Vs Corn Flour Singapore

1. What is the difference between cornstarch and corn flour?

Both cornstarch and corn flour are derived from corn, but they have distinct differences:

  • Cornstarch: It is a fine, white powder made from the endosperm of corn kernels. It is primarily used as a thickening agent in sauces, gravies, and soups. Cornstarch is also used in baking to create lighter textures in cakes and pastries.
  • Corn flour: It is a finely ground powder made from the entire kernel of corn. Corn flour is often yellow in color and has a slightly gritty texture. It is commonly used in baking, especially in recipes that require a more robust corn flavor, such as cornbread or tortillas.

2. Can cornstarch be used as a substitute for corn flour in recipes?

Yes, cornstarch can be used as a substitute for corn flour in some recipes, but it may alter the texture and taste slightly. Since cornstarch is a pure starch, it has stronger thickening properties compared to corn flour. Therefore, if you decide to use cornstarch as a substitute for corn flour, you will need to use less quantity. Additionally, cornstarch may not provide the same corn flavor that corn flour imparts in certain dishes.

3. Which one is more commonly used in Singaporean cuisine, cornstarch or corn flour?

In Singaporean cuisine, both cornstarch and corn flour are commonly used, but their usage depends on the specific dish. Cornstarch is often used as a thickening agent in sauces and soups, while corn flour is commonly used in traditional dishes like oyster omelette and sweet corn soup. It is recommended to follow the recipe's instructions to determine whether cornstarch or corn flour should be used.

4. Where can I buy cornstarch and corn flour in Singapore?

Cornstarch and corn flour are widely available in supermarkets, grocery stores, and specialty food stores throughout Singapore. They can be found in the baking or cooking ingredients section. Additionally, you can also purchase them online through various e-commerce platforms or directly from manufacturers' websites.

5. Are there any gluten-free options available for cornstarch and corn flour in Singapore?

Yes, there are gluten-free options available for both cornstarch and corn flour in Singapore. Look for products that are specifically labeled as gluten-free to ensure they meet your dietary requirements. These gluten-free alternatives are suitable for individuals with gluten sensitivities or those following a gluten-free diet.