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Convert French Time to Singapore Time: Your Ultimate Time Zone Converter Guide

French Time To Singapore Time

French Time (GMT+1) is 7 hours behind Singapore Time (GMT+8). Convert French Time to Singapore Time easily with our online timezone converter.

Are you planning on travelling from France to Singapore? If so, you will need to adjust to the difference in time zones. Paris is 7 hours behind Singapore, so it is important to know how to convert French time to Singapore time.

First, let's take a look at some interesting facts about Singapore time. Did you know that Singapore does not observe daylight saving time? This means that the time difference between Paris and Singapore remains constant throughout the year.

Now, let's get into the nitty-gritty of converting French time to Singapore time. The easiest way to do this is by using a time zone converter. There are many available online, but we recommend using Time and Date's converter.

To use the converter, simply input the date and time in Paris and select Singapore as your destination. The converter will do the rest for you. It's quick, easy, and accurate!

But what if you don't have internet access or prefer to do the math yourself? Don't worry, it's simple. Just add 7 hours to the current time in Paris to get the equivalent time in Singapore.

For example, if it's currently 2 pm in Paris, it would be 9 pm in Singapore (2 pm + 7 hours = 9 pm).

Another helpful tip is to keep in mind that Singapore is in the GMT+8 time zone. This can come in handy if you need to make appointments or schedule meetings while in Singapore.

It's also worth noting that jet lag can play a role in adjusting to the time difference. To minimize the effects of jet lag, try to gradually adjust your sleeping and eating habits a few days before your trip.

Overall, knowing how to convert French time to Singapore time is essential for a smooth and stress-free trip. Whether you use a time zone converter or do the math yourself, it's important to make sure you are on time for all your planned activities.

So, if you're planning a trip from France to Singapore, be sure to keep these tips in mind. Bon voyage!


When travelling from France to Singapore, one of the crucial things to consider is adjusting to the time difference. The two cities are 6,376 km apart, and have a time difference of 6 hours. Thus, if it's noon in Paris, it's 6 pm in Singapore. Adapting to the new time zone can be challenging, especially since your internal body clock has been used to a different time. In this article, we'll explore the different ways to convert French time to Singapore time so that you can avoid jet lag and make the most out of your trip.

What is French Time?

France is located in Western Europe and follows Central European Time (CET), which is UTC +1. During the Daylight Saving Time period (DST), which runs from March to October, the time is advanced by one hour, which changes the time zone to UTC +2.

What is Singapore Time?

Singapore is located in Southeast Asia and follows Singapore Standard Time (SST), which is UTC +8. SST does not observe DST, so Singapore's time stays consistent throughout the year.

Converting French Time to Singapore Time

Using Time Converter Websites

One of the easiest ways to convert French time to Singapore time is by using online time converter websites such as or These websites allow you to quickly convert the time by just inputting the time zone of the two locations. They also provide additional features like setting reminders for specific times, so you don't miss any important events.

Using Mobile Apps

There are various mobile apps available that allow you to convert time zones on-the-go. Some of the popular ones include Time Converter, World Clock, and Time Buddy. These apps offer different features like setting alarms for specific times and adding multiple time zones for easy access.

Using Math

If you prefer to do the conversions yourself, here's an easy formula to follow:Singapore Time = French Time + 6 hoursFor example, if it's 8 am in Paris, then it's 2 pm in Singapore (8 am + 6 hours).

Adjusting to the New Time Zone

Once you've converted the time, it's important to adjust to the new time zone so that you can avoid jet lag. Here are some tips to follow:

Get Plenty of Sleep

Before your trip, make sure to get enough sleep so that you're well-rested for the long journey. Once you arrive in Singapore, try to stick to a regular sleep schedule to help your body adjust to the new time zone.

Stay Hydrated

Air travel can cause dehydration, which can worsen jet lag. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water before, during and after your flight.

Bask in the Sunlight

Sunlight is a natural way to reset your body clock. Spend some time outdoors during daylight hours to help your body adjust to the new sleep schedule.


Converting French time to Singapore time is a simple process that can be done quickly with the use of online tools or mobile apps. It's important to adjust to the new time zone to avoid jet lag and make the most out of your trip. Follow these tips, and you'll be able to enjoy a memorable vacation in Singapore.

French Time Vs Singapore Time: A Comprehensive Comparison

Time zones can be quite confusing, especially when you are traveling from one country to another. As someone who has traveled through different time zones, I understand the importance of knowing the time difference between two places. In this article, we will compare the time in France and Singapore, two countries located on opposite sides of the world.

Geographical Location

France is located in Western Europe and covers an area of 643,801 square kilometers. On the other hand, Singapore is situated in Southeast Asia and occupies an area of just 728.3 square kilometers. Due to their different geographical locations, there is a significant time difference between the two countries.

Time Difference

The time in France is six hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+1), while Singapore time is eight hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8). This means that when it is 12:00 pm in Paris, it is already 6:00 pm in Singapore.

Daylight Saving Time

France observes daylight saving time, which means that clocks are moved forward by one hour during the summer months. In Singapore, however, there is no daylight saving time. This can lead to confusion for travelers who are not aware of these differences.

Business Hours

In France, business hours typically start at 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm. However, it is not uncommon for businesses to close during midday for a few hours. In Singapore, businesses usually operate between 9:00 am and 6:00 pm. Some businesses may stay open later or even operate 24 hours a day.


France uses the Euro (EUR) as its official currency, while Singapore uses the Singapore dollar (SGD). The exchange rate between these two currencies is constantly changing, so it is important to keep an eye on the rate if you are planning to travel between these two countries.

Public Holidays

In France, public holidays include New Year's Day, Labor Day, Christmas Day, and more. In Singapore, public holidays include Chinese New Year, National Day, and others. Keep in mind that businesses and public transportation may not be available during these holidays.

Climate Differences

France has a temperate climate with warm summers and cool winters, while Singapore has a tropical rainforest climate with hot and humid weather all year round. Depending on your preference, you may need to pack different types of clothing and plan accordingly.

Popular Tourist Attractions

France is known for its iconic landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, and Notre-Dame Cathedral. Singapore, on the other hand, offers attractions like Universal Studios, Gardens by the Bay, and the Marina Bay Sands Hotel.


In conclusion, there are several differences between the time, currency, business hours, public holidays, climate, and attractions in France and Singapore. It is essential to keep these differences in mind when traveling to either country, as they can affect your plans and overall experience. Despite these differences, both countries offer unique and exciting opportunities for visitors.

French Time vs Singapore Time: Table Comparison

France Singapore
Time Difference UTC+1 UTC+8
Daylight Saving Time Observed Not observed
Business Hours 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (Midday closing may occur) 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (Some businesses may operate 24 hours)
Currency Euro (EUR) Singapore dollar (SGD)
Public Holidays New Year's Day, Labor Day, Christmas Day, and more Chinese New Year, National Day, and others
Climate Temperate Tropical Rainforest
Popular Tourist Attractions Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum, Notre-Dame Cathedral Universal Studios, Gardens by the Bay, Marina Bay Sands Hotel


Having traveled through different time zones, I strongly believe that knowing the time difference between two places is important to avoid confusion and ensure you make the most out of your trip. Furthermore, keeping an eye on business hours, currency rates, public holidays, climate, and attractions can help you plan better and make your trip more enjoyable. Both France and Singapore offer unique experiences for visitors, and I highly recommend taking the time to explore these countries.


If you are planning a trip or need to schedule a virtual meeting with someone in Singapore while you are in France, you will need to know the time difference between these two locations. Singapore is eight hours ahead of Paris, which means when it is noon in Paris, it is already 8 pm in Singapore. In this article, we will share some useful tips on how to convert French time to Singapore time, and vice versa.

Tip #1: Use Online Time Converters

One of the easiest ways to convert time zones is by using online time converters. There are numerous websites that provide this service for free, such as,, and All you need to do is enter the current time in France, select Paris as your city, and choose Singapore from the list of cities provided by the website. The website will instantly show you the current time in Singapore.

Tip #2: Use Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are another helpful tool for converting time zones on the go. Some popular apps include World Time Buddy, Time Zone Converter, and TimeZoneConvertor-World Clock. These apps allow you to set your current location and the location for which you want to convert the time. You can also set reminders for scheduled events to avoid confusion about the time difference.

Tip #3: Remember Daylight Saving Time Changes

It's essential to remember that France observes Daylight Saving Time, while Singapore does not. This means that during the summer months in France, the time difference between the two countries is seven hours rather than eight. It's important to keep track of the date when the time changes to ensure that you set your clocks accordingly and avoid missing important events.

Tip #4: Account for Travel Time

If you are planning a trip from France to Singapore, you must account for travel time. The flight from Paris to Singapore takes around 12 hours, depending on the airline and stops. When booking your flight, make sure to adjust your departure and arrival times according to the time difference. It's also helpful to keep an eye on the flight schedule in case of any changes or delays.

Tip #5: Use Military Time

Military time, also known as 24-hour time, is commonly used in Singapore and France. It eliminates confusion about whether it is AM or PM when converting time zones. To use military time, simply subtract 12 hours from the current time in Paris if it is afternoon or evening, and add eight hours to get the applicable time in Singapore.

Tip #6: Create a Time Zone Chart

Creating a simple time zone chart can be helpful, especially if you need to convert time zones frequently. On one side of the chart, list the major cities in France with their corresponding time and on the other side list the major cities in Singapore with their corresponding time. You can quickly reference this chart to convert time zones without the need for online tools or apps.

Tip #7: Set up a Dual Time Watch

If you're someone who travels frequently between different time zones, investing in a dual-time watch can be helpful. These watches often feature one analog and one digital display that can show the time in two different cities simultaneously. This makes it easy to track time in both France and Singapore without having to do any mental calculations.

Tip #8: Communicate Clearly for Scheduled Events

When scheduling events or virtual meetings, it's crucial to communicate clearly with all participants about the time and date. Make sure to indicate the time zone of the event, so everyone knows what time to expect it. You can also send reminders or set up alarms to ensure everyone is aware of the correct start time.

Tip #9: Familiarize Yourself with Local Time Zone Culture

Familiarizing yourself with local time zone culture is essential when doing business or traveling in a foreign country. In Singapore, punctuality is highly valued, so it's crucial to arrive on time for meetings and events. On the other hand, in France, there is a more relaxed sense of timing, and it's common for people to arrive fashionably late. Understanding the cultural norms around time can help you avoid misunderstandings and build better relationships with your hosts and colleagues.

Tip #10: Stay Organized and Plan Ahead

Converting time zones can be confusing, so it's essential to stay organized and plan ahead. Make sure to double-check all times before scheduling an event or booking a flight. Use the tips and tools discussed in this article to make the process as straightforward as possible. With a little bit of practice, you'll soon become an expert at converting French time to Singapore time.

Hello, dear blog visitors! If you are planning a trip to Singapore and want to know what time it is in relation to French time, this is the post for you. In this article, we will explain how to convert French time to Singapore time easily and quickly, as well as some interesting facts about Singapore's time zone and daylight saving time. So buckle up and let's get started!

To begin with, we need to understand that there is a significant time difference between France and Singapore. France is in the Central European Time (CET) zone, which is nine hours ahead of Singapore, located in the Singapore Standard Time (SST) zone. Therefore, when it is 9 am in Paris, it is already 4 pm in Singapore. This time difference can affect your travel plans, especially if you are coming from Europe or the Americas.

The best way to convert French time to Singapore time is to use an online converter that will do the calculations for you. There are many websites and apps that offer this service for free, such as Time Zone Converter, World Clock Meeting Planner, and The Time Now. All you need to do is enter the date and time in Paris, and they will show you the equivalent time in Singapore immediately.

Another useful tip is to remember that Singapore does not observe daylight saving time, unlike many countries in Europe and North America. This means that the clock stays the same throughout the year, and there is no need to adjust it twice a year like in France. However, this also means that the time difference between the two countries may vary depending on the season. For example, when France switches to daylight saving time in spring, the time difference with Singapore becomes eight hours instead of nine hours.

In addition to the time difference, it is also important to consider the time zone when making travel arrangements and appointments. Singapore is in the GMT+8 time zone, which means it is eight hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) and 16 hours ahead of Pacific Standard Time (PST). Therefore, if you have a business meeting or a flight to catch in Singapore, make sure you double-check the time conversion to avoid any confusion or delays.

Moving on, let's explore some interesting facts about Singapore's time zone and history. The country adopted the SST time zone in 1982, along with Malaysia and Brunei, as part of the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+8) system. This decision was made to standardize the timekeeping across the region and facilitate communication and transportation between neighboring countries. Before that, Singapore used the Malaysian time zone, which was half an hour behind Singapore time.

Moreover, Singapore is located near the equator, which means it has a relatively consistent amount of daylight throughout the year. The sunrise and sunset times vary only slightly, ranging from 6:45 am to 7:15 am for sunrise and 6:45 pm to 7:15 pm for sunset. This makes Singapore an ideal place for outdoor activities and sightseeing, as you can enjoy the warm weather and natural beauty almost every day.

Furthermore, Singapore is home to many international organizations and companies that operate globally and have offices in different time zones. This means that Singaporeans are used to working odd hours and communicating across borders, which has led to a flexible and adaptable work culture. If you are planning to work or study in Singapore, you can expect a dynamic and multicultural environment that values efficiency and innovation.

In conclusion, knowing how to convert French time to Singapore time is essential for anyone traveling to or doing business in this vibrant city-state. We hope this article has been helpful and informative, and that you now feel more confident about navigating the time difference and time zone differences between the two countries. Remember to use a reliable converter, take into account daylight saving time, and double-check your appointments to make the most of your time in Singapore. Bon voyage et à bientôt!

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about converting French Time to Singapore Time:

  1. What is the time difference between France and Singapore?

    The time difference between France and Singapore is 6 hours. Singapore is 6 hours ahead of France.

  2. How do I convert French Time to Singapore Time?

    To convert French Time to Singapore Time, simply add 6 hours to the French Time. For example, if it is 3:00 pm in France, it is 9:00 pm in Singapore.

  3. What time is it in Singapore when it is 2:00 pm in France?

    It is 8:00 pm in Singapore when it is 2:00 pm in France because Singapore is 6 hours ahead of France.

  4. Does Singapore observe daylight saving time?

    No, Singapore does not observe daylight saving time.

  5. What is the best time to call someone in Singapore when you are in France?

    The best time to call someone in Singapore when you are in France is usually in the evening or at night because that is when it is daytime in Singapore. For example, if it is 8:00 pm in France, it is 2:00 am in Singapore.

People Also Ask About French Time To Singapore Time

1. What is the time difference between France and Singapore?

The time difference between France and Singapore is typically 6 hours. Singapore is 6 hours ahead of France.

2. Does France have daylight saving time?

Yes, France observes daylight saving time. This means that the time in France is adjusted by 1 hour during the summer months to maximize daylight.

3. How do I convert French time to Singapore time?

To convert French time to Singapore time, you need to add 6 hours to the current time in France. For example, if it is 12:00 PM in France, it would be 6:00 PM in Singapore.

4. Is it the same time in all regions of France?

No, France has multiple time zones. The standard time in most parts of France is Central European Time (CET), which is UTC+1. However, there are regions like Corsica and some overseas territories that follow different time zones.

5. Does Singapore observe daylight saving time?

No, Singapore does not observe daylight saving time. The time in Singapore remains consistent throughout the year.

6. Are there any online tools to help with time conversion?

Yes, there are several online tools and websites available that can help you convert time between different time zones. Some popular ones include, World Clock Converter, and The Time Zone Converter.

7. Why is it important to consider time differences when planning international calls or travel?

Considering time differences is crucial for planning international calls or travel to ensure that you don't accidentally call someone in the middle of the night or miss important appointments. Being aware of the time difference helps in scheduling and avoiding any confusion or inconvenience.

8. Are there any mobile apps for tracking time differences?

Yes, there are various mobile apps available for both iOS and Android platforms that can help you track time differences between different cities and countries. Some popular ones include World Clock Time Zones, Time Buddy, and Time Zone Converter.