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Essential First Aid Box Checklist for Every Home in Singapore: Be Prepared for Emergencies!

First Aid Box Checklist Singapore

Looking for a comprehensive first aid box checklist in Singapore? Check out our guide for a well-stocked and prepared first aid kit.

Accidents can happen anywhere, at any time. Be it at home, school, workplace or on the road, it's important to have a first aid kit handy to deal with emergencies. But how do you know if your first aid box is complete and up-to-date? In this article, we'll provide you with a comprehensive First Aid Box Checklist in Singapore that will ensure you're ready for any situation.

First things first, let's start with the basics. Every first aid kit should include essentials like adhesive bandages, gauze pads, antiseptic wipes, and medical tape. These are the bare minimum and should be present in every kit, regardless of its purpose.

But what if you're dealing with more serious injuries? In such cases, it's important to have items like sterile gloves, sharp scissors, and tweezers for removing foreign objects. These items are essential for medical professionals but having them in your first aid kit can make all the difference in an emergency.

Another item that's often overlooked but is crucial for emergency situations is a breathing barrier. This small device can protect the rescuer from getting infected while performing CPR. It's an easy addition that can help save lives.

Are you an outdoor enthusiast who enjoys hiking, camping or cycling? Then you need to consider adding items like insect repellent, sunscreen and a whistle to your first aid kit. Additionally, if you're going somewhere remote, carrying a splint and SAM splint can come in handy in case of fractures.

For individuals who have allergies, carrying an Epipen is essential. If you've been prescribed an inhaler for asthma or other respiratory conditions, it must be included in your first aid kit as well.

Now let's talk about medicines. Pain relief medication like paracetamol or ibuprofen is a must-have in any first aid kit, along with antihistamines for allergies, and antidiarrheal medication. These can provide immediate relief in many cases until the patient reaches medical support.

Transitioning from medicines to basic items, it's important to remember to keep a flashlight and extra batteries in your first aid kit. Accidents don't only happen during daylight hours, and it's essential to be able to see what you're doing in low light conditions.

Now that we've gone through the basics, it's time to look at advanced items that are often required in specific situations. If you're traveling abroad and need to cater for exotic medical emergencies, bringing a sterile injection kit may be required.

On the other hand, if you're dealing with seniors or young children, keeping extra diapers, baby wipes, and nipple cream (for breastfeeding mothers) can help ease the situation, especially when you're outdoors

To summarize, whether you're an individual, family or small business, having a complete First Aid Box with all the essentials required for every situation can make a critical difference in an emergency situation. Invest in one that covers all your needs, and inspect it regularly to maintain its contents up-to-date.

Don't let an emergency catch you off guard. Be prepared with a comprehensive First Aid Box Checklist Singapore.

Keep Your First Aid Box Checklist Updated for Emergency Situations

Accidents can happen at any time, and it's essential to have a first aid box ready in case of emergencies. Keeping your first aid box checklist updated can be lifesaving, especially during times of unexpected accidents that require quick thinking, action, and access to essential supplies.

The Importance of a First Aid Box Checklist

A comprehensive first aid kit should contain a variety of medical supplies that can be used to treat injuries or alleviate symptoms of common illnesses. While you may not need all the items at the same time, it is crucial to check your supply regularly and refill any items that have been used or expired.

A well-stocked first aid kit can help prevent minor injuries from escalating into more severe problems. By having a first aid box checklist on hand, you'll be able to quickly assess the situation and provide essential medical care to those who need it.

Essential Items to Include on Your First Aid Box Checklist

The following are some of the critical items that should be included in your first aid box checklist in Singapore:

  1. Adhesive bandages in various sizes to cover cuts, blisters, and wounds.
  2. Sterile gauze pads to control bleeding and help clean and dress wounds.
  3. Alcohol wipes or hand sanitizer to cleanse hands and disinfect wounds.
  4. Disposable gloves to protect yourself while providing first aid care.
  5. Scissors, tweezers and a thermometer to check temperature and remove foreign objects from wounds.
  6. Pain relievers like aspirin and ibuprofen.
  7. Antihistamines for allergic reactions
  8. Saline solution or an eye wash cup for eye injuries.
  9. A first aid manual and emergency phone numbers.

Additional items that can be added to your checklist include:

  1. Medical tape and bandages of different sizes other than adhesive bandages.
  2. Instant cold packs for swelling or pain relief.
  3. Burn gel or aloe vera for burns or sunburns.
  4. Emergency blanket.
  5. Calamine lotion for insect bites or allergic reactions at the skin level.
  6. Elastic bandages or splints for immobilization of joints, muscles or bones.
  7. EpiPen® for individuals with severe allergies, prescribed by doctors.

Taking Inventory and Replacing Items on Your Checklist

It is recommended to review your first aid box checklist twice a year to ensure that it is up to date and complete. Go through each item on the list and check if it's still available and in good condition - discard any worn out, or expired items. Replace missing or discarded items as soon as possible.

Keeping your first aid box checklist updated is crucial when it comes to responding appropriately during emergencies. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, so take a proactive step to protect yourself and those around you.


In summary, keeping a comprehensive and updated first aid box checklist helps you respond appropriately during unforeseen emergencies. Ensure that all items on your checklist are available, complete, and in good condition. Remember, it's essential to check your first aid kit regularly and replace any items that have been used or expired. Stay safe, be prepared always!


First Aid Box Checklist is an essential tool in every home, office, and workplace to ensure that you are prepared for any emergency. In Singapore, various types of First Aid Box Checklists are available with different requirements, depending on specific environments or industries.

Comparison of First Aid Box Checklist in Singapore

1. Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Regulations

The Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Regulations require each workplace to have a First Aid Box Checklist, so it has the appropriate equipment and first aid treatment for the staff.

Keywords WSH Regulations First Aid Box Checklist
No of employees One first aid kit per 25 employees
Type of container Weather-proof and dust-proof container
Contents Vary based on the workplace and activities performed at the location. Basic contents require antiseptic solution, gauze dressings, plasters, etc.

Based on WSH regulations, the number of First Aid kits required in each workplace is dependent on the number of employees available on-site. If your company has more than 25 employees, multiple first aid kits may be needed.

2. Sports and Recreational Activities

Athletic events, sports games, or simply a family picnic might require a portable first aid kit. Here are the key features that must be considered:

Keywords Sports and Recreational Activities First Aid Box Checklist
Type of container Compact, light-weight, hygienic, and durable container
Contents Include medications, wound dressings, scissors, etc.

It is essential to ensure that you have a small portable first aid kit on hand if you plan to enjoy outdoor activities with family or friends. The kit should contain all the necessary equipment needed to handle minor injuries that could occur.

3. Home First Aid Box Checklist

The home first aid kit is critical because accidents can happen anywhere, and most require basic first aid care:

Keywords Home First Aid Box Checklist
Type of container Durable container
Contents Appropriate Dressings, Bandages, Plasters, Conforming bandages Butterfly closure strips, Safety pins, Blood stopping powder, Gauze swabs, Disposable gloves (2), Clear plastic bags (large and small), Labels for recording important medical information, and Burn dressing pack, etc.

When it comes to home safety, keeping a First Aid Box Checklist is essential. From cuts and scrapes to burns and more severe issues that can occur at home, having a first aid box ready can make all the difference in an emergency.

4. Workplace First Aid Box Checklist Vs. Home First Aid Box Checklist

There is a notable difference in the requirements between workplace and home first aid kits.

Keywords Workplace First Aid Box Checklist Home First Aid Box Checklist
No of employees Based on the number of employees at the work site. N/A
Type of container It should be dustproof and weather-proof. Durable container
Contents Should have more advanced equipment based on the work environment. Basic equipment needed to handle common household injuries

While both types of first aid kits can handle minor injuries, it is important to note that workplace first aid kits may contain more specialized equipment based on the hazards at work.

Opinion about First Aid Box Checklist in Singapore

Having a First Aid Box Checklist in Singapore in your home, workplace, or when engaging in outdoor activities, can be the difference between life and death. It is vital to ensure that your kit is well organized and appropriately stocked regularly before any emergency occurrence. It is also vital to check whether you need to add any new items based on your change in environment or workspace. Always check expiry dates of the products you use and replace anything that has expired to remain prepared all times.


A First Aid Box Checklist is an essential component that should be on every checklist of things to have in a home or workplace. There are different requirements for workplaces, sports activities, and homes, and it is essential to have the right type of kit for your needs. Ensure that you follow all protocols and regulations while creating your first aid kit and restocking it regularly.


First aid kits are essential in every home, office or car. They are used to provide basic first aid measures that can help prevent injuries from getting worse before the patient can be taken to a health facility for more advanced medical attention. In this article, we will discuss the First Aid Box Checklist Singapore.

What is a First Aid Kit?

A first aid kit is a collection of supplies and equipment that is used to give medical assistance quickly to people who are injured or are suddenly taken ill. It can contain items like bandages, antiseptics, painkillers and other medical supplies.

The Importance of Having a First Aid Kit in Singapore

Singapore is a bustling city with millions of people moving around each day. Accidents can happen anytime, anywhere, and a well-stocked first aid kit can help provide immediate first aid before medical attention is obtained. First aid kits in Singapore must also include items that treat common injuries based on the country’s hot and humid climate such as heat exhaustion, insect bites, and dehydration.

What Should Be Included in a First Aid Box?

The following items should be included in your first aid box checklist Singapore:

Essential Medicines

Your first aid kit must contain essential medicines such as painkillers, antihistamines, laxatives, and antacids. You must also have an emergency medical kit that consists of medications prescribed by your doctor.

Bandages and Dressings

To treat small cuts and wounds, you must have various sizes of adhesive bandages, gauze rolls, and adhesive tape.

Antiseptics and Wound Cleaning Materials

To clean wounds and prevent infections, you must have materials like antiseptic wipes or creams, moistened towelettes, hydrogen peroxide, and isopropyl alcohol.

Personal Protective Equipment

First aid kit Singapore must include Personal protective equipment based on your workplace or industry. It includes gloves, masks, and other protective gear that can prevent cross-contamination.

Where to Buy a First Aid Kit in Singapore?

First aid kits are available at medical and health stores in Singapore. They are also available online from e-commerce websites such as “Lazada” and “Qoo10” or medical suppliers like “Horme Medical Supplies” and “Pharmex Healthcare.”

Maintenance of Your First Aid Kit

It’s important to ensure that your first aid box is regularly maintained by checking and replacing expired items, topping up your stock and keeping it in a cool dry place. It's also essential to have an updated list of contents to ensure you don't miss any important items.


First aid boxes are essential for immediate treatment of injuries. It is imperative to ensure that a first aid kit you buy contains all the necessary items required to treat everyday injuries. Remember to replenish and update your kit promptly to maintain its effectiveness. Getting trained in basic first aid is also essential. So equip yourself with knowledge and supplies to help anyone in need of aid.

Greetings to all our blog visitors! Thank you for taking the time to read through our comprehensive guide on First Aid Box Checklist in Singapore. We hope that the information we have provided has been helpful and insightful for all of you and has inspired you to always be prepared for any kind of emergency situations.

We believe that it is essential for every household, workplace, school, and public space in Singapore to have a First Aid Kit available at all times. In this blog post, we have provided you with a checklist that can be used to make sure your First Aid Kit is well-equipped with all the essential items necessary to handle basic injuries and emergencies.

As we have discussed, items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and tweezers are some of the most important things that you should have in your First Aid Kit. However, it is also vital to understand how to use each of these items properly. Knowing when to seek medical attention and contacting emergency services is also crucial, especially in severe situations.

We understand that most of us may not have the necessary training or experience to handle severe emergencies. That is why we highly recommend getting certified in First Aid and CPR to learn skills that can help save someone's life in critical situations.

Remember, First Aid Kits are essential but not substitute professional medical care. If you encounter an emergency that is beyond your expertise, do not hesitate to contact the Singapore Emergency Medical Service (EMS) right away.

In conclusion, we urge all readers to familiarize themselves with the contents of the First Aid Kit and to periodically check their kit to ensure it is fully stocked. Being prepared is always better than being caught in a situation without the necessary supplies. We hope that this article has equipped you with the knowledge needed to handle basic injuries and emergencies, and we encourage you to share this information with your loved ones and colleagues.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read this article. We hope it has been helpful, and we wish you all good health and safety in the future.

People Also Ask About First Aid Box Checklist Singapore

  1. What are the essential items that must be included in a first aid box?
  2. Some of the essential items that should be included in a first aid box are bandages, plasters, antiseptic wipes, scissors, tweezers, gloves, and painkillers. It's important to ensure that your first aid box meets the Ministry of Manpower's guidelines for workplace first aid kits in Singapore.

  3. How often should a first aid kit be checked and replenished?
  4. A first aid kit should be checked regularly to make sure it is fully stocked and up to date. In Singapore, the Ministry of Manpower recommends checking and replenishing your first aid kit every six months.

  5. Are there any specific requirements for first aid kits in Singapore?
  6. Yes, the Ministry of Manpower outlines the requirements for first aid kits in Singapore workplaces. The requirements differ based on the number of employees and the nature of the work being done.

  7. Can I buy a pre-packaged first aid kit or should I make my own?
  8. You can purchase pre-packaged first aid kits that meet the guidelines set by the Ministry of Manpower. However, it's important to ensure that the kit you choose contains all the necessary items for your workplace and industry. Alternatively, you can create your own first aid kit tailored to your specific needs.

  9. What should I do if someone becomes injured or ill at work?
  10. If someone becomes injured or ill at work, follow your workplace's first aid procedures. If necessary, call emergency services for further assistance.

People Also Ask About First Aid Box Checklist Singapore

What should be included in a basic first aid box?

A basic first aid box should contain essential items to treat common injuries and illnesses. Here is a checklist of items that should be included:

  1. Adhesive bandages in various sizes
  2. Gauze pads
  3. Triangular bandage
  4. Roller bandage
  5. Antiseptic wipes
  6. Antiseptic ointment
  7. Disposable gloves
  8. Tweezers
  9. Scissors
  10. Pain relievers (e.g., paracetamol)
  11. Thermometer
  12. Instant cold pack
  13. First aid manual or guide

Are there any additional items recommended for a first aid box?

Yes, in addition to the basic items, you may also consider including the following:

  • Eye wash solution
  • Burn gel or cream
  • Insect repellent
  • Allergy medication (e.g., antihistamines)
  • Sunscreen
  • Safety pins
  • Sterile saline solution
  • CPR face shield
  • Emergency contact numbers

Where can I purchase a first aid box in Singapore?

You can find first aid boxes at various locations in Singapore, including pharmacies, medical supply stores, and online retailers. It is important to ensure that the first aid box you purchase meets safety standards and contains all the necessary items.

How often should I check and restock my first aid box?

It is recommended to check your first aid box regularly, at least every three to six months, to ensure that all items are in good condition and within their expiry dates. Replace any used or expired items promptly to maintain the effectiveness of your first aid kit.

What other measures should I take to be prepared for emergencies?

In addition to having a well-stocked first aid box, it is crucial to have knowledge of basic first aid procedures. Consider attending a first aid training course to learn how to handle different emergency situations effectively. It is also important to have emergency contact numbers readily available and to familiarize yourself with the nearest medical facilities in your area.

Remember, having a well-prepared first aid box and the necessary knowledge can make a significant difference in providing timely assistance during emergencies.