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Unlock Your Career with a Recognised Physiotherapy Degree in Singapore

Physiotherapy Degree Recognised In Singapore

Looking for a recognized physiotherapy degree in Singapore? Explore our comprehensive program that prepares you for a successful career in physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy Degree Recognised In Singapore

Are you interested in pursuing a career in physiotherapy? Do you want to practice your profession in Singapore? Good news! The physiotherapy degree is recognised in Singapore, and it opens up many opportunities for graduates to work and excel.

Well, not just in Singapore, but globally, the demand for physiotherapists is increasing. According to the World Confederation for Physical Therapy (WCPT), an estimated 2.2 million people worldwide are employed as physiotherapists. Furthermore, they reported that there will be a shortage of about 1 million physiotherapists by 2030. This fact suggests that this profession is well-respected and has job security.

Physiotherapy is the treatment of physical problems through therapeutic exercises, manual therapy, and other non-invasive techniques. It assists in improving people's mobility, reducing pain, and preventing surgery or injury from worsening. Many people think that physiotherapy is for athletes, but it is not always the case. It can be applicable to anyone who has experienced physical limitations, including people with disabilities and older adults.

So, if you're passionate about helping others recover from injuries and physical impairments, then a degree in physiotherapy might be suitable for you. Several universities in Singapore offer a Bachelor of Physiotherapy program, where students learn different aspects of physiotherapy, including anatomy, physiology, biomechanics, and more.

A degree in physiotherapy takes about four years to complete in Singapore, with two years of foundational courses, followed by two years of clinical placements. During the clinical placement, students receive mentorship from licensed physiotherapists in various healthcare settings, such as hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and private clinics.

After completing the degree, graduates must register with Singapore's Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) to practice legally. AHPC is responsible for regulating allied health professions in Singapore and ensuring that they adhere to ethical and professional standards.

Once registered, graduates can pursue several career paths in physiotherapy. They can work in public hospitals or private clinics, specialize in different areas, such as sports or pediatrics, and even further their education with postgraduate programs. Furthermore, the demand for physiotherapists in Singapore is expected to increase as the population ages, which means more job opportunities for graduates.

In conclusion, a physiotherapy degree is recognised in Singapore and provides graduates with diverse and exciting careers. It is a valuable profession that plays a crucial role in improving people's physical well-being. The demand for physiotherapists is increasing globally, and Singapore is no exception. Pursuing a physiotherapy program in Singapore can be an excellent investment in your career and future.

So, what are you waiting for? Take the first step towards a fulfilling career in physiotherapy by enrolling in a reputable university in Singapore. Remember, helping others can be both rewarding and noble.

Physiotherapy Degree Recognised In Singapore


If you're interested in pursuing a career in the healthcare sector, particularly in physiotherapy, there is good news for you. Many universities around the world offer physiotherapy degree programs that are recognised in Singapore. As a result, Singaporean students can obtain an internationally recognised degree in physiotherapy from a reputable institution globally.

What is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy is a medical field that focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal, neurological, and other related health conditions. Physiotherapists work with individuals to help them regain mobility, strength, and flexibility, thereby improving their quality of life. They may also provide advice on lifestyle changes and self-management techniques designed to promote physical and mental wellbeing.

Benefits of Pursuing a Physiotherapy Degree Recognised In Singapore

Singaporean students who hold a degree in physiotherapy from a recognised institution will find numerous employment opportunities both locally and globally. The healthcare sector is continuously evolving, and with a shortage of qualified professionals, physiotherapy is an attractive career choice.

Top Universities Around the World Offering Physiotherapy Degrees

There are numerous universities around the world that offer recognised physiotherapy degree programs, including the following:

• University of Sydney, Australia

• Brunel University London, UK

• Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand

• University of Alberta, Canada

• Ghent University, Belgium

Choosing the Right University

It is essential to select a university carefully when applying for a physiotherapy degree program. Factors to consider include accreditation, curriculum, faculty, tuition fees, program structure, and equipment and technology availability. Choosing the right university increases your chances of being recognised in Singapore.

Study Abroad or Local?

When looking to pursue a physiotherapy degree recognised in Singapore, students may choose to study abroad or at a local institution. Studying abroad has numerous benefits, including exposure to different cultures, enhanced language skills, and international recognition. However, studying locally may be less costly and familiar, with minimal language and cultural challenges.

Postgraduate Options

As a physiotherapist, you can opt to further your studies to attain higher levels of qualifications such as master's and doctoral degrees. These degrees expand your knowledge and skills and enhance employability, particularly in academic and research fields.

Licensing Requirements

To practise physiotherapy in Singapore, you must first obtain a license from the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC). The AHPC regulates all allied health professions, including physiotherapy, to ensure that practitioners meet set standards of qualifications and competence.


In conclusion, pursuing a physiotherapy degree recognised in Singapore opens up a world of opportunities for students interested in this field. With numerous foreign universities offering quality programs and affordable tuition fees, it is now possible to attain international recognition without leaving Singapore. Besides, the high demand for qualified physiotherapists means that licensed individuals have promising career prospects in Singapore and beyond.

Comparison of Physiotherapy Degree Recognition in Singapore


Physiotherapy is a growing healthcare profession in Singapore. Due to rising demand, an increasing number of institutions worldwide have started offering physiotherapy degree programs. With that, many students aspire to pursue physiotherapy as their career path. However, it is important to note that not all degrees are created equal, and recognition plays a crucial role in determining the success of one's career. In this article, we compare the recognition of physiotherapy degrees in Singapore.

Overview of Physiotherapy Degrees

A Physiotherapy degree focuses on the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of patients who suffer from illnesses, injuries, or physical impairments that affect their mobility and physical functioning. Physiotherapy degree programs typically take around four years to complete and include both theoretical and practical coursework.

Recognition of Physiotherapy Degrees in Singapore

In Singapore, all health-related professions are regulated by the Ministry of Health (MOH). To practice physiotherapy in Singapore, the individual must pass the licensing examination conducted by the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC). However, to be eligible to take the licensing examination, an individual's overseas physiotherapy degree must be evaluated by MOH. Only degrees from recognized institutions would be considered for evaluation.

Criteria for Evaluation

MOH's criteria for evaluating overseas physiotherapy degrees include the institution's accreditations, the curriculum's duration, relevance, and breadth, and the content covered in the program. Additionally, the institution's faculty's qualifications and expertise in the relevant fields are also considered. This evaluation process ensures that the individuals who obtain the license to practice physiotherapy in Singapore meet the local competency standards.

Recognized Institutions

Currently, MOH recognizes physiotherapy degrees from six institutions worldwide. These institutions are mostly from Australia and New Zealand. The recognized institutions are as follows:
Country Institution
Australia University of Melbourne
University of Queensland
University of Sydney
New Zealand Auckland University of Technology
University of Otago
University of Auckland

Unrecognized Institutions

If an individual's physiotherapy degree is not from a recognized institution, they would need to undergo a bridging program offered by any of the recognized institutions before they are eligible to take the licensing examination. Otherwise, they might find their path to practicing physiotherapy in Singapore challenging.


Accreditation plays a crucial role in recognizing the quality of physiotherapy degrees. It ensures that the education and training standards provided by an institution meet the respective accreditation bodies' standards. This means that individuals who graduate from an accredited institution are qualified to practice physiotherapy in countries that recognize the accreditation body. In Singapore, Australian Physiotherapy Council (APC) and Physiotherapy Board of New Zealand (PBNZ) are the recognized accrediting bodies for physiotherapy degrees.

Accredited Institutions

MOH only recognizes physiotherapy degrees from institutions that are accredited by APC and PBNZ. These institutions include the six recognized institutions.

Importance of Recognition

The recognition of an individual's physiotherapy degree plays a vital role in determining the opportunities available to them in their career path. Without proper recognition, the chances of finding employment could be limited. Additionally, it might impact the individual's ability to pursue further education or specialize in specific fields of physiotherapy.


In conclusion, the physiotherapy profession is growing worldwide, and Singapore is no exception. However, to practice physiotherapy in Singapore, individuals need to obtain a recognized physiotherapy degree. MOH has set strict criteria for evaluating overseas physiotherapy degrees, ensuring that the individuals who obtain the license to practice physiotherapy meet the local competency standards. Therefore, it is crucial to choose an institution that offers an accredited physiotherapy degree to ensure future success in your career.


If you are considering studying physiotherapy and want to practice in Singapore, it is important to understand the different types of physiotherapy degrees recognised in Singapore and their requirements. In this article, we will discuss the recognition of physiotherapy degrees in Singapore and what it takes to get licensed as a physiotherapist in Singapore.

Types of Physiotherapy Degrees Recognised in Singapore:

There are mainly two types of physiotherapy degrees that are recognised in Singapore – Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Master of Physiotherapy. The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) degree is an undergraduate degree, while the Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) degree is a postgraduate degree. Both degrees are recognised by the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC), which is the regulating body for allied health professions in Singapore including physiotherapists.

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) Degree

The Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) degree is a four-year degree program that encompasses both theoretical and practical aspects of physiotherapy. The course curriculum includes subjects such as anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, neurology, musculoskeletal rehabilitation, cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation, paediatric physiotherapy, sports physiotherapy, research methodology, ethics and professional practice.

Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) Degree

The Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) degree is a two-year postgraduate degree program that is designed for students who already hold a Bachelor’s degree in Physiotherapy or equivalent. The MPT degree program focuses on advanced skills and knowledge in physiotherapy practice and research, clinical reasoning and evidence-based practice. Specialisations may be offered in areas such as sports and exercise rehabilitation, neuromuscular rehabilitation, paediatric and geriatric rehabilitation.

Requirements for Recognition:

To have your physiotherapy degree recognised in Singapore, you must meet the following requirements:

Education Requirements

You must hold a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (BPT) or Master of Physiotherapy (MPT) degree from a recognised institution. The programme must be recognised by the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC).

Licensure Exam

You must pass the licensure examination administered by the AHPC. This exam tests the candidate’s knowledge and skills in physiotherapy practice, clinical reasoning, ethics and professional practice.

Clinical Placement

You must complete a minimum of 1000 hours of supervised clinical placement. The placement must be done in a recognised healthcare institution or clinic in Singapore.

Continuing Education

Physiotherapists are required to maintain their professional competency by participating in continuing education and professional development activities.


In conclusion, if you are interested in practicing physiotherapy in Singapore, obtaining a recognised degree is essential. With the right education, licensure exam, and clinical experience, you can become a licensed physiotherapist in Singapore. It may also be helpful to join relevant professional associations in Singapore to network and stay updated with the latest industry developments.

Hello and welcome to our blog! Today, we wanted to bring attention to an important topic for anyone interested in pursuing a career in physiotherapy. As you may know, getting a proper education and certification is crucial to being able to practice effectively as a physiotherapist. That's why it's essential to choose a degree programme that is recognised in your country.

If you're based in Singapore, you might be wondering whether a physiotherapy degree from overseas is recognised by local authorities. The answer is yes - but there are some caveats and requirements that you should be aware of. In this article, we'll go over the details of what it takes to have your physiotherapy degree recognised in Singapore and how to ensure that you're following all the necessary steps.

Firstly, let's talk about why recognition is so important. Essentially, it comes down to two factors: legality and credibility. Without proper recognition, you may not be able to legally work as a physiotherapist in Singapore or be fully trusted by potential employers or patients. Not only could this limit your job opportunities, but it could compromise your ability to provide adequate care to those who need it.

The good news is that the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) in Singapore does recognise several overseas physiotherapy degree programmes. However, there are some conditions that you must meet before you can be registered with the AHPC as a qualified physiotherapist.

One of the most important requirements is that your degree programme must have been accredited by at least one of five specific international bodies: the Australian Physiotherapy Council, the Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators, the Health and Care Professions Council in the UK, the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists, or the New Zealand Physiotherapy Board.

If your degree meets this criterion, you can then apply to the AHPC for registration. However, you'll also need to provide evidence of a minimum of 1,000 hours of supervised clinical practice, as well as professional liability insurance. In addition, you may be required to sit for an assessment or exam to demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

Another factor that could impact your ability to have your physiotherapy degree recognised is the course structure and content. The AHPC has stated that it must be satisfied that your course provides, at a minimum, a comparable standard of education and training to the corresponding local programme. This means that you should ensure that your degree covers the necessary topics and practical experience to meet Singapore's standards.

In conclusion, if you're planning to study physiotherapy overseas and return to Singapore to work, it's essential that you do your research and ensure that your degree will be recognised by the AHPC. Keep in mind the requirements regarding accreditation, clinical practice, insurance, and course content, and be prepared to provide detailed documentation to support your application for registration.

We hope that this article has been helpful in shedding some light on this topic. By taking the right steps to have your degree recognised, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling career as a physiotherapist in Singapore. Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best on your journey!

People also ask about Physiotherapy Degree Recognised In Singapore:

  1. Is a physiotherapy degree recognised in Singapore?
  2. Yes, a physiotherapy degree from recognized universities is recognized by the Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) in Singapore.

  3. What are the recognized universities for physiotherapy in Singapore?
  4. The recognized universities for physiotherapy in Singapore are the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) for undergraduate studies, and the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) for postgraduate studies.

  5. What is the entry requirement for a physiotherapy degree in Singapore?
  6. The entry requirement for a physiotherapy degree in Singapore is typically a minimum of 3 GCE 'A' level passes, including a pass in Biology or Human Biology, or an International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with at least 5 relevant subjects, including Biology.

  7. How long does it take to complete a physiotherapy degree in Singapore?
  8. It takes approximately 4 years to complete an undergraduate physiotherapy degree in Singapore and an additional 1-2 years for a postgraduate physiotherapy degree.

  9. What are the job prospects for physiotherapists in Singapore?
  10. The job prospects for physiotherapists in Singapore are good, with opportunities available in both public and private healthcare settings, as well as sports and fitness industries.

People Also Ask About Physiotherapy Degree Recognised In Singapore

1. Is a physiotherapy degree recognised in Singapore?

Yes, a physiotherapy degree is recognized in Singapore. The Allied Health Professions Council (AHPC) is the regulatory body that governs the practice of physiotherapy in Singapore. They have a list of recognized overseas institutions and qualifications for physiotherapy that are accepted in the country.

2. Can I work as a physiotherapist in Singapore with a foreign qualification?

Yes, it is possible to work as a physiotherapist in Singapore with a foreign qualification. However, you will need to ensure that your degree is recognized by the AHPC. You may be required to undergo an assessment or additional training to meet the local standards and requirements.

3. What are the requirements to practice as a physiotherapist in Singapore?

To practice as a physiotherapist in Singapore, you must meet certain requirements set by the AHPC. These requirements include:

  • Completion of an approved physiotherapy degree program
  • Registration with the AHPC
  • Compliance with the AHPC's Code of Professional Conduct and Ethical Guidelines
  • Ongoing professional development to maintain competency

4. How long does it take to become a registered physiotherapist in Singapore?

The duration to become a registered physiotherapist in Singapore can vary depending on your educational background and qualifications. Typically, it takes around 3 to 4 years to complete a bachelor's degree in physiotherapy. After graduation, you will need to fulfill the registration requirements set by the AHPC, which may include an assessment or additional training.

5. Are there any local universities in Singapore offering physiotherapy programs?

Currently, there are no local universities in Singapore offering physiotherapy programs. However, several universities in neighboring countries, such as Malaysia and Australia, have recognized physiotherapy programs that are accepted by the AHPC. Students interested in pursuing a physiotherapy degree can consider these options.

6. Can I pursue further specialization or postgraduate studies in physiotherapy in Singapore?

Yes, it is possible to pursue further specialization or postgraduate studies in physiotherapy in Singapore. After obtaining your basic physiotherapy degree, you can choose to specialize in specific areas such as sports physiotherapy, neurorehabilitation, or musculoskeletal physiotherapy through postgraduate courses or certifications offered by various institutions and organizations.

In conclusion,

A physiotherapy degree is recognized in Singapore, and individuals with foreign qualifications can work as physiotherapists in the country after meeting the requirements set by the Allied Health Professions Council. It is important to ensure that your degree is recognized and undergo any necessary assessments or additional training to practice as a registered physiotherapist in Singapore.