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Heavy Cream Singapore: A Rich and Indulgent Ingredient for Your Culinary Creations

What Is Heavy Cream Singapore

Discover what heavy cream is in Singapore, its uses in cooking and baking, and where to find it in local grocery stores. Perfect for creamy recipes!

Do you ever wonder what makes those creamy and indulgent desserts so rich and delicious? Well, I have the answer - heavy cream! Singapore may be a small city-state, but this ingredient is no stranger to the local culinary scene. But what exactly is heavy cream, and why is it such an essential ingredient in cooking and baking? Let's find out!

First things first, heavy cream is a type of dairy product that contains a high percentage of milk fat. In Singapore, it is commonly referred to as whipping cream because it can be whipped into soft or stiff peaks to make lighter desserts like mousses, frostings, and whipped cream.

If you're a fan of ice cream, then you'll be pleased to know that heavy cream is also a crucial ingredient in making this frozen treat. The high-fat content in heavy cream gives ice cream its smooth and luxurious texture, making it a sinful but satisfying indulgence on a hot day.

But heavy cream isn't just limited to sweet treats. In fact, it's a versatile ingredient that can be used in savory dishes as well. For example, heavy cream can be added to pasta sauces like carbonara and alfredo to create a creamy and velvety texture. It can also be used to make soups, stews, and curries richer and more flavorful.

It's worth mentioning that heavy cream is not the same as regular milk or light cream. Unlike heavy cream, which has a fat content of at least 36%, light cream only has around 20% fat, while regular milk has less than 5%. So if you're looking for that indulgent and decadent flavor, heavy cream is the way to go.

Another reason heavy cream is so beloved by chefs and home cooks alike is its ability to enhance flavors. When heavy cream is added to a dish, it not only adds richness but also helps to mellow out any strong or overpowering flavors. This is why you'll often see heavy cream used in dishes with pungent ingredients like garlic, onions, and spices.

But with all that richness comes some calories that come with it. Heavy cream definitely isn't a low-calorie ingredient, and should be consumed in moderation if you're watching your weight. But every once in a while, there's no harm in treating yourself to something decadent and delicious.

So where can you find heavy cream in Singapore? Most supermarkets and baking supply stores carry it, usually sold in small cartons or tetra packs. It's usually located near the other dairy products like milk, butter, and cheese.

When buying heavy cream, look for ones with a higher fat percentage, as these will be more suitable for baking and dessert-making. And don't forget to check the expiry date – heavy cream doesn't last as long as other dairy products, so be sure to use it up before it goes bad.

To sum it up, heavy cream is a crucial ingredient in both sweet and savory dishes, adding richness, flavor, and texture to everything from ice cream to pasta sauces. Despite its high-fat content, it's a beloved staple in the culinary world, revered for its versatility and ability to elevate flavors. If you've never used heavy cream before, give it a try and see how it can transform your cooking and baking!

Now that you know all about heavy cream, why not try your hand at making some homemade ice cream or whipped cream? Trust me, once you taste the difference, you'll never want to go back to store-bought again.


Heavy cream, also known as double cream, is a dairy product that has a high fat content. It is an integral ingredient in many recipes and is used to make sauces, desserts, and more. In Singapore, heavy cream is widely available and used in various cooking and baking applications.

The Composition of Heavy Cream

Heavy cream is typically made from the fatty layer that rises to the top of milk after it's been left to stand for a while. The fat content in heavy cream can vary, but it's generally between 36% to 40%. This high-fat content is what sets it apart from other creams.The lower the fat content, the less dense the cream, and the easier it is to whip. Lighter cream with less fat will have more air pockets when whipped, resulting in a fluffier texture. Heavy cream, on the other hand, is much denser and harder to whip.

Uses of Heavy Cream in Cooking

Heavy cream is one of the most versatile ingredients in the kitchen. It is used for everything from making soups and sauces to baking cakes and other desserts. One of its primary uses is as a thickener. Adding a small amount of heavy cream to a sauce or soup can give it a silky smooth texture and enhance its flavor.It can also be used to add richness to desserts. Heavy cream is particularly useful in whipping cream, which is a key ingredient in frosting, mousse, and ice-cream.

Some Popular Dishes That Use Heavy Cream in Singapore

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Cream of mushroom soup is a classic comfort food that's delicious and creamy. Heavy cream is the main ingredient that gives this soup its unique texture and taste.

Fettuccine Alfredo

Fettuccine Alfredo is a rich and creamy pasta dish that's often made with heavy cream. The cream sauce is combined with garlic, parmesan cheese, and black pepper to create a flavor-packed dish.

Ice Cream

In Singapore, ice cream is a popular dessert that's enjoyed by people of all ages. Heavy cream is an essential ingredient in making this refreshing treat. By including heavy cream, the texture of ice cream becomes smoother and richer.

Where to Find Heavy Cream in Singapore

Heavy cream is readily available in most supermarkets and specialty stores all over Singapore. You can find it in the refrigerated section of your local grocery store. Alternatively, you can purchase it online from various retailers that offer fresh dairy products.


Heavy cream is a staple ingredient in many recipes and is widely used in cooking and baking in Singapore. It has a unique texture and flavor that make it an essential ingredient in creating creamy and delicious dishes. Next time you're in the kitchen, try experimenting with some heavy cream and see how it can enhance your dishes' taste and texture.


Heavy cream is a staple ingredient in many recipes, providing a rich and creamy texture to desserts, sauces, and soups. However, not all heavy creams are created equal, and different countries have their own variations of this dairy product. In this blog article, we will compare and contrast what heavy cream is like in Singapore.

The Definition of Heavy Cream

Heavy cream, also known as whipping cream, is a high-fat dairy product that is made by skimming the fatty layer off the top of fresh cow's milk. It typically has a fat content of around 36-40%, which makes it thicker and richer than regular cream or half-and-half.

Singapore's Definition of Heavy Cream

In Singapore, heavy cream is usually labelled as thickened cream, and it can be found in most grocery stores and supermarkets. It has a similar fat content to heavy cream in other countries, ranging from 35-40%. However, some brands may mix in emulsifiers or stabilizers to improve its texture and make it more resistant to curdling.

Nutritional Content

Heavy cream is a high-calorie food, and its nutritional content varies depending on its fat content. Here is a comparison table of the nutritional values for one tablespoon of heavy cream in Singapore and the United States:

Country Calories Total Fat (g) Cholesterol (mg)
Singapore 52 5.3 16
United States 51 5.5 15

Opinion on Nutritional Content

As we can see, the nutritional content of heavy cream in Singapore is very similar to that in the United States, with only slight variations in the calorie, fat, and cholesterol content. This means that heavy cream should be consumed in moderation as part of a healthy, balanced diet.

Uses in Cooking

Heavy cream is a versatile ingredient that is used in a variety of dishes, from sweet to savoury. Here are some popular uses of heavy cream in cooking:

Sweet Dishes

In desserts, heavy cream is commonly used to make whipped cream, frosting, and ice cream. It can also be added to custards, puddings, and pies for a rich and creamy texture.

Savoury Dishes

In savoury dishes, heavy cream is often used to thicken sauces and soups. It can also be added to pasta dishes, casseroles, and gratins to enhance their flavour and texture.

Singapore's Uses in Cooking

In Singaporean cuisine, heavy cream is not a traditional ingredient, but it is used in Western-style dishes such as pasta, soups, and sauces. It can also be found in baked goods like cakes and pastries.

Alternatives to Heavy Cream

For those who are lactose intolerant or vegan, heavy cream may not be an option. Fortunately, there are several alternatives to heavy cream that can be used in cooking:

Coconut Cream

Coconut cream is a dairy-free alternative to heavy cream that has a similar texture and consistency. It is made from the flesh of mature coconuts and has a sweet, nutty flavour.

Cashew Cream

Cashew cream is another dairy-free option that is made by blending soaked cashews with water. It has a rich and creamy texture and can be used in both sweet and savoury dishes.

Soy Cream

Soy cream is a vegan-friendly alternative to heavy cream that is made from soybeans. It has a similar texture and flavour to heavy cream and can be used in most recipes that call for heavy cream.

Singapore's Alternatives to Heavy Cream

These dairy-free alternatives are becoming more popular in Singapore as more people seek out healthier and more sustainable options. Coconut cream is especially popular in Southeast Asian cuisine and can be found in many traditional dishes.


While heavy cream may not be a traditional ingredient in Singaporean cuisine, it is widely available and used in many Western-style dishes. Whether you prefer to use heavy cream or a dairy-free alternative, it's important to note that this ingredient should be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. By knowing the differences and similarities of heavy cream in different countries, we can better appreciate its place in our culinary adventures.


When it comes to cooking or baking, heavy cream is an ingredient that's often called for in recipes. However, if you're new to cooking or baking, you might not be familiar with what heavy cream Singapore is or how to use it.In this article, we'll go over everything you need to know about heavy cream Singapore, including its composition, uses, and storage tips.

What Is Heavy Cream Singapore?

Heavy cream is a dairy product that's made by separating the fat from fresh whole milk. It has a high-fat content, which makes it thicker and richer than regular milk. In Singapore, heavy cream is sometimes referred to as 'double cream.'The fat content in heavy cream can vary, but usually, it contains around 36-38% fat. It's often used in cooking and baking to add richness and creaminess to dishes.

Composition of Heavy Cream Singapore

Apart from fat, heavy cream also contains water, lactose, and protein. These components give the cream its characteristic flavor and texture.

Uses of Heavy Cream Singapore

There are many ways to use heavy cream Singapore in cooking and baking. Here are some common uses:


Heavy cream can be used to make sauces, soups, and stews. It's also used to thicken dishes like mashed potatoes or macaroni and cheese.


Heavy cream is often used in cakes, scones, and cookies. It adds richness and moisture to baked goods.


Some people like to add heavy cream to their coffee instead of milk because it gives the coffee a richer and creamier taste.

How to Store Heavy Cream Singapore

Heavy cream should always be stored in the refrigerator. Once opened, it should be consumed within a week. If you have extra heavy cream that you won't use within a week, you can freeze it for up to two months.

Tips for Freezing Heavy Cream:

- Pour the heavy cream into an airtight container or freezer bag.- Label the container with the date you froze it.- Freeze the cream in small portions (such as 1/4 cup) so that you can thaw only what you need.- Thaw the cream in the fridge overnight before using it.- After thawing, shake the cream well to recombine the separated fat and liquid.

Substitutes for Heavy Cream Singapore

If you don't have heavy cream, there are a few substitutes that you can use:- Half-and-half: This is a mixture of equal parts milk and cream. It has a lower fat content than heavy cream and is often used as a lighter alternative.- Whole Milk: You can use whole milk as a substitute, but the final dish won't be as rich or creamy as it would be if using heavy cream.- Evaporated milk: This is milk that has had most of the water removed. It has a thicker consistency than regular milk and can be used as a substitute for heavy cream in some recipes.


Heavy cream Singapore is a versatile ingredient that's used in many recipes. It has a rich and creamy texture that adds depth and flavor to dishes. Whether you're making a savory sauce or a sweet dessert, heavy cream can take your cooking or baking to the next level. With these tips, you'll be able to use heavy cream like a pro and get the best results every time.

Welcome to our blog! Today, we will discuss something that may seem unfamiliar to some people - heavy cream in Singapore. If you love cooking or trying new recipes, you might have heard about heavy cream. It is a common ingredient in various dishes, giving them a rich and creamy texture. In this article, we will define what heavy cream is, where to find it in Singapore, and how to use it.

Firstly, let us define what heavy cream is. Heavy cream is a dairy product that contains at least 36% milk fat. It is the fatty layer that rises to the top of fresh milk when it is left to stand. Heavy cream is rich in flavor, and it is commonly used for making whipped cream or as a thickener in sauces and soups. Sometimes, it is also used as a substitute for milk in certain recipes, especially those that require a richer texture.

If you are wondering where to find heavy cream in Singapore, you can check out major supermarkets, such as Cold Storage, NTUC FairPrice, and Giant. Some specialty stores that sell imported food items might also have heavy cream on their shelves. Generally, heavy cream is sold in cartons or bottles, and it should be kept refrigerated until use. Check the expiration date before purchasing to ensure the freshness of the product.

Now that we know what heavy cream is and where to find it, let us explore its uses in cooking. Heavy cream is a versatile ingredient that can be used in sweet or savory dishes. As mentioned earlier, it is commonly used to make whipped cream, which is a perfect topping for desserts like cakes, pies, and berries. You can also add heavy cream to your coffee or tea to make a rich and indulgent beverage.

In cooking, heavy cream is often used to thicken sauces and soups, giving them a smooth and velvety texture. For example, you can use heavy cream to make a classic Alfredo sauce for your pasta or a creamy mushroom soup. Heavy cream can also be added to curries to balance out the spiciness and create a milder taste.

If you are feeling adventurous, you can try making your own butter using heavy cream. All you need to do is whip the heavy cream until it turns into butter, then strain out the liquid (which is buttermilk) and enjoy your homemade butter. You can add salt or herbs to your butter for extra flavor.

One thing to keep in mind when using heavy cream is that it is high in calories and fat. Therefore, it should be consumed in moderation, especially if you are watching your weight or have health concerns. You can try using low-fat substitutes, such as evaporated milk or Greek yogurt, in recipes that call for heavy cream.

In conclusion, heavy cream is a dairy product that is commonly used in cooking and baking. It adds richness and creaminess to dishes, making them more indulgent and flavorful. In Singapore, heavy cream can be found in major supermarkets and specialty stores that sell imported food items. If you want to try something new in the kitchen, why not experiment with heavy cream and see what delicious creations you can come up with!

Thank you for reading our article about heavy cream in Singapore. We hope you found it informative and useful. If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy cooking!

People Also Ask: What Is Heavy Cream Singapore?

  1. What is heavy cream?
  2. Heavy cream, also known as Heavy Whipping Cream, is a dairy product with a high butterfat content that is commonly used in cooking and baking.

  3. Is heavy cream the same as whipping cream?
  4. No, Heavy cream has a higher fat content than whipping cream. It contains 36 to 40% fat while whipped cream contains 30% fat.

  5. Can we find heavy cream in Singapore?
  6. Yes, heavy cream is available in Singapore. It can be found in most supermarkets and specialty stores that sell dairy products.

  7. What are some dishes that use heavy cream in Singapore?
  8. Some popular dishes that use heavy cream in Singapore include Creamy Carbonara, Mushroom Cream Soup, and Baked Mac & Cheese.

  • Can I substitute heavy cream with other ingredients?
  • Yes, you can substitute heavy cream with a combination of milk and butter or coconut milk for a non-dairy alternative.

  • What is the shelf life of heavy cream in Singapore?
  • The shelf life of heavy cream in Singapore varies depending on the brand and storage conditions. However, it usually lasts for about 5 to 7 days after opening when stored properly in the refrigerator.

  • Can I use expired heavy cream?
  • No, it is not recommended to use expired heavy cream as it might cause food poisoning and spoil your dish.

What Is Heavy Cream Singapore?

What is heavy cream?

Heavy cream, also known as whipping cream or double cream, is a rich and creamy dairy product that contains a high fat content. It is made by separating the fat from whole milk, resulting in a thick and velvety cream.

What is heavy cream used for?

Heavy cream is a versatile ingredient that is used in various culinary applications. It is often used in desserts to add richness and creaminess to dishes such as mousses, custards, and ice creams. It is also commonly used in savory dishes like creamy soups, sauces, and pasta dishes.

Can heavy cream be found in Singapore?

Yes, heavy cream can be found in Singapore. It is available in most supermarkets, specialty grocery stores, and online platforms. Due to its higher fat content, it is usually sold in smaller containers compared to regular milk or cream.

Where can I buy heavy cream in Singapore?

You can buy heavy cream in Singapore at major supermarkets like Cold Storage, NTUC FairPrice, and Sheng Siong. Specialty stores like The Cheese Shop and Jones the Grocer also offer heavy cream. Online platforms such as RedMart and also provide options for purchasing heavy cream.

Is there an alternative to heavy cream in Singapore?

Yes, if you cannot find heavy cream or prefer a lighter option, you can use alternatives like whipping cream or dairy cream in Singapore. These options have a slightly lower fat content but can still provide a similar creamy texture and taste in your recipes.

Are heavy cream and whipping cream the same?

No, heavy cream and whipping cream are not exactly the same, although they have similar uses. Heavy cream has a higher fat content, usually around 36-40%, while whipping cream typically contains about 30-36% fat. This difference in fat content affects the texture and stability of the cream when whipped or cooked.

Can I substitute heavy cream with milk in Singapore?

While milk can provide some creaminess, it cannot fully replicate the richness and texture of heavy cream. If you need to substitute heavy cream, you can try using a combination of milk and butter or coconut milk as alternatives. However, keep in mind that these substitutions may alter the flavor and consistency of your dish.

In conclusion,

Heavy cream, also known as whipping cream or double cream, is a rich and creamy dairy product with a high fat content. It is used in various sweet and savory dishes to add creaminess and richness. In Singapore, heavy cream can be found in supermarkets, specialty stores, and online platforms. Alternatives such as whipping cream or dairy cream can be used if heavy cream is not available. Milk can be substituted but will not provide the same texture and richness.