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Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore: A Spiritual Haven in the Heart of the City

Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore

Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a vibrant Catholic church, fostering faith, love, and unity within the community through worship and service.

The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is an institution that serves the people of Singapore in various ways. It is a Catholic Church that has been in existence for over 60 years, formed to enable people to connect to their faith and foster spiritual growth. The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore offers numerous services not only to its members but also to the community at large, here are some amazing facts about this church you should know:

Did you know that the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is rated as one of the fastest-growing churches in Singapore? It's no surprise considering the amount of valuable service it provides to the community. From social welfare programs to various spiritual activities, the church caters to every member's needs, making it a great place for believers.

The positive impact that the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore has made on the lives of people is immeasurable. Every day, the church provides a place of solace for people, where they can come together in prayer, worship, and discuss pressing issues affecting society. The sense of belonging that comes from being part of the church is second to none.

If you're looking for a church in Singapore that puts value on spiritual growth, the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is an excellent place to start. The church provides numerous programs and resources to help members grow their faith and knowledge of God. This spiritual nourishment is vital in today's fast-paced world, where people need hope and inspiration to keep going.

For Catholics in Singapore, the Immaculate Heart Of Mary church offers a chance to connect with people who share similar beliefs and interests. It's an opportunity to socialize and meet new friends while still nurturing your faith. The church creates an environment that fosters a sense of community and promotes a peaceful coexistence among members.

The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is open to people from all walks of life, regardless of their race, ethnicity, or background. The church believes in diversity and inclusivity, ensuring that everyone feels welcome and valued. It's a great place to find acceptance, irrespective of your past or present circumstances.

If you're looking for an institution that provides excellent education for your kids, the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Church has got you covered. The church has a school that offers quality education that integrates spiritual values. This approach to learning helps students develop character, moral values, and a sense of belongingness to the church community.

Are you seeking a deeper connection with God? The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore provides numerous opportunities for members to deepen their spiritual connection. Through various programs such as masses, retreats, holy water, and much more, the church creates an environment that fosters deeper spiritual growth.

The ability of the Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore to provide social welfare services is commendable. The church prioritizes its community members' welfare by providing resources such as food, clothing, shelter, and medical care. This service shows the heart of the church and reinforces its commitment to making a positive impact on the community.

The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is an institution that you don't want to miss if you want to connect to your faith and experience spiritual growth. The church provides an opportunity for believers to come together, share their experiences, and nurture their relationship with God. If you're looking for a place where you're accepted and valued, the church has got you covered.

Are you looking for a way to give back to society and make a positive impact on people's lives? The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore welcomes volunteers who are willing to give their time, resources, and expertise to help the church fulfill its mission. Volunteers contribute to various programs such as teaching, social welfare, and much more.

In conclusion, The Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is a remarkable institution that has made a significant impact on people's lives in Singapore. It's a church that offers various services ranging from spiritual growth to social welfare, education, and much more. Whether you're Catholic or not, the church welcomes everyone and provides an opportunity to belong and connect to a community that values your worth.


Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a Catholic church that is situated in the neighborhood of Bishan. It was founded in 1954, and since then, it has been an essential part of the religious community in Singapore. The church has gone through many transformations over the years, from modest beginnings to its current size and popularity. Today, it stands as one of the most beloved churches in Singapore, attracting thousands of visitors each year.


The Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore was started by Father Leo D'Souza, an Indian priest who arrived in Singapore in the early 1950s. He was tasked with building a new parish to serve the residents of Bishan, which at the time was a sparsely populated area. Father D'Souza initially started conducting masses in a rented house and slowly began to build a congregation. In 1954, he managed to procure a plot of land, and construction on the church began in earnest.

The Architecture

The architecture of the Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a blend of modern and traditional styles. The church's exterior is adorned with large windows that allow natural light to flood in, while the interior is decorated with intricate designs and beautiful stained glass windows. The building has a central nave, with seating around it in a circular pattern. This unique design ensures that every parishioner has an unobstructed view of the altar.

The Community

The Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore has a vibrant and active community that is deeply connected to the church. The church offers various programs and activities for people of all ages, including Bible study groups, youth and adult retreats, and prayer sessions. The church also has a robust outreach program, working with various organizations and individuals to provide support to the less fortunate in the community.


The Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore hosts many events throughout the year. These events range from religious-themed events such as the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary to social gatherings such as picnics and barbeques. The church also plays an active role in the wider community, often getting involved in charitable causes and events.


The Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore offers masses in English, Mandarin, and Tamil, catering to the linguistic diversity of the community. The church also has a dedicated team of priests and volunteers who provide counseling and support to members of the congregation. They offer lessons on the Catholic faith, preparation for sacraments such as baptism and marriage, and support for those going through difficult times.

The Future

Looking ahead, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore has ambitious plans for expansion and growth. The church plans to add more facilities to cater to the needs of the community, including a new education wing and a larger social hall. The church also aims to improve its outreach programs, expanding its efforts to support those in need in the wider community.


In conclusion, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a significant institution in the Singaporean Catholic community. Its unique architecture, vibrant community, and diverse services make it a popular choice for those seeking spiritual or community support. With its ambitious plans for growth and outreach, the Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore looks set to continue playing a vital role in the lives of Singaporeans for years to come.


Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a school that provides quality education to students from the primary to secondary levels. Established in 1953, it has over time provided a nurturing environment for students, allowing them to unleash their true potential.


The school is located at 121, Highland Road, Singapore, which is accessible via public transportation such as buses and MRT. It is situated near major landmarks in Singapore such as Tanjong Katong Complex and City Plaza.

Campus Layout

The campus is well designed with modern facilities that cater to different needs of students. It has spacious and fully air-conditioned classrooms, well-equipped laboratories, sports facilities such as basketball courts and an indoor swimming pool, and an auditorium that can accommodate up to 800 people. Students can also enjoy the greenery around the campus during their free time.

Academic Excellence

The school aims to provide quality education that meets the expectations of both parents and students. Through the rigorous curriculum, the school has maintained a high level of academic excellence over the years. The school has produced students who have excelled both academically and socially, and gained recognition at both national and international levels.


Immaculate Heart of Mary School is known for its diverse culture which is manifested in the students and staff. The school promotes cultural and social awareness through various activities such as International Friendship Day, where students learn about different cultures and nationalities. The school also encourages students to participate in community service.

Technology In Education

Immaculate Heart of Mary School recognizes the importance of technology in education. The school has integrated technology into learning, and students have access to computers, tablets and other digital educational resources. The school also provides a secure online platform that enables communication between parents, students and teachers.

Co-Curricular Activities

In addition to academic excellence, the school encourages students to take part in co-curricular activities. These activities range from sports, performing arts, clubs, and societies. Students also participate in national competitions where they showcase their talent in different fields.

Parental Participation

Immaculate Heart of Mary School values the role of parents in the education of their children. The school regularly engages with parents to keep them informed about their children’s academic and social progress. Parents are also encouraged to participate in school activities such as PTA meetings and school events.

Student Welfare

Immaculate Heart of Mary School prioritizes the well-being of its students. The school has put in place measures that ensure a safe and conducive learning environment. Students have access to counseling services to help them cope with challenges they may face during their academic journey.

Catholic Values

Immaculate Heart of Mary School is a Roman Catholic school that upholds Christian values such as love, kindness, and respect for different religions. The school provides a religious education, and students attend mass regularly. These values are also instilled in the student body through various activities such as mission trips, where students engage in charity work.


In conclusion, Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a school that prioritizes academic excellence, student welfare, and parental participation. The school has a diverse culture that promotes social and cultural awareness, and upholds Christian values that shape the character of its students. Through a blend of quality education and co-curricular activities, the school prepares students to become responsible citizens in a global world.



-Quality education-Limited parking space
-Safe and conducive learning environment -Quite expensive
-Modern facilities that cater to the needs of students-Relatively large class sizes
-Diverse Co-Curricular activities that allow students to showcase their talent
-Integrating technology into learning

Overall, Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a great school that provides quality education while promoting social and cultural awareness and Christian values. However, it may be considered quite expensive for some, and parking can be a challenge for those who drive. Nonetheless, the pros outweigh the cons and make it a great choice for parents and students who prioritize education and character development.

Welcome to Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore


Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore, also called IHMS, is a Catholic church in Singapore. It was established in 1958 and is located in the Thomson area. The church is known for its beautiful architecture, rich history, and vibrant community. Whether you are a Catholic or not, IHMS is a place where you can find peace, love, and spiritual growth. In this article, we will give you some tips on how to make the most out of your visit to Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore.

Tip #1: Attend the Holy Mass

The Holy Mass is the central act of worship in the Catholic church. At Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore, there are several masses held every day, including Sundays and public holidays. The masses are conducted in different languages, including English, Mandarin, and Tamil. You can check the schedule of masses on their website or bulletin board. Attending the Holy Mass is a great way to experience the beauty and solemnity of Catholic worship.

Tip #2: Visit the Adoration Chapel

If you want to pray in silence and contemplation, you can visit the Adoration Chapel at Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore. The chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and is a quiet and peaceful place where you can meditate and pray. The chapel has a tabernacle where the Eucharist is kept, and you can spend time in prayer and reflection in front of it.

Tip #3: Join a Ministry

Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore has several ministries that you can join. These includes music ministries, outreach ministries, youth ministries, and many more. By joining a ministry, you can serve others and grow in your faith. It's also a great way to meet new people and make friends who share the same values and beliefs.

Tip #4: Participate in Sacraments

Sacraments are sacred rituals in the Catholic Church that signify God's grace and love. At Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore, you can participate in different sacraments, such as Baptism, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and Marriage. These sacraments are important milestones in one's spiritual journey, and participating in them can bring you closer to God and strengthen your faith.

Tip #5: Attend Community Events

Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore has a vibrant community that organizes various events throughout the year. These include retreats, pilgrimages, parish feasts, and other special occasions. Attending these events is a fun and meaningful way to connect with others and deepen your faith. You can check the bulletin board or website for upcoming events and activities.

Tip #6: Sign up for Religious Education

If you want to learn more about the Catholic faith, you can sign up for religious education classes at Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore. These classes are designed for all ages and cover different topics, including Bible study, church history, and theology. Taking religious education classes can help you understand more about the Catholic faith and how to apply it in your daily life.

Tip #7: Visit the Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour

The Shrine of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour is located at Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore. It is a replica of the original icon of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, which is enshrined in Rome. The shrine is a place of prayer and devotion, and many people come here to seek the intercession of Mary. You can visit the shrine anytime during the day and offer your prayers and petitions.

Tip #8: Volunteer

Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore has several volunteer opportunities that you can participate in. These include serving as a Eucharistic minister, altar server, choir member, greeter, and many others. By volunteering, you can serve others and use your talents for the glory of God. It's also a great way to meet new people and make a difference in your community.

Tip #9: Seek Spiritual Direction

If you need guidance or support in your spiritual journey, you can seek spiritual direction at Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore. Spiritual direction is a one-on-one conversation with a trained spiritual director who can help you discern God's will for your life. The spiritual director can listen to your concerns, offer advice, and help you grow in your faith.

Tip #10: Donate

Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore relies on donations from the community to maintain its operations and services. If you want to support the church's mission and ministry, you can donate either money or your time and talent. Your generosity can help the church continue to serve others and spread the message of God's love.


Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is more than just a church; it is a home for all who seek God's grace and love. Whether you are a Catholic or not, IHMS welcomes you with open arms and invites you to experience the beauty and richness of Catholic worship and community. By following these tips, you can make the most out of your visit to Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore and discover the many ways you can grow in your faith and serve others.

Welcome to Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore! Our mission is to share the love and teachings of Jesus Christ through a variety of programs and services. We are dedicated to providing a welcoming, inclusive community for people of all backgrounds and ages.

Our parish offers a range of educational and spiritual opportunities for adults and children alike. Our religious education program provides classes for children from kindergarten to high school, while our adult education classes cover topics such as scripture study, theology, and spirituality.

Our church is home to a vibrant congregation that lives out its faith by serving others and sharing the good news of the gospel. Whether you're looking for a place to worship, get involved in service projects, or make new friends, we welcome you to come and experience the joy of belonging to our community.

As Catholics, we believe in the power of prayer to transform our lives and the world around us. At Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore, we offer a variety of opportunities for spiritual growth and reflection, including daily Mass, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, and sacramental confession. We also have a number of prayer groups and ministries, including our Legion of Mary, Bible study group, and Rosary prayer group.

In addition to our spiritual offerings, Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore has a strong commitment to social justice and outreach. We believe in serving those in need, both locally and globally, and we offer a range of programs and initiatives to help those who are less fortunate. These include our food bank, clothing drives, and disaster relief efforts.

If you're new to the area or looking for a new church home, we invite you to join us at one of our weekly services. Our welcoming and friendly community is eager to welcome you with open arms and help you grow spiritually.

For those interested in volunteering, we have many opportunities to get involved and make a difference in the lives of those around us. Whether you're interested in working with youth, serving the homeless, or participating in one of our many outreach programs, there are plenty of ways to get involved and give back.

We also offer a range of social activities and events throughout the year, including potlucks, game nights, and holiday celebrations. These are great opportunities to meet new friends and get involved in the life of our vibrant community.

Finally, we want to stress that Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore is a diverse community that welcomes people of all backgrounds and experiences. We believe that everyone has something to contribute, and we value the unique gifts and talents of each member of our parish. Whether you are Catholic or not, young or old, rich or poor, we welcome you to come and experience the love and grace of Jesus Christ in our midst.

Thank you for visiting our website and learning more about Immaculate Heart of Mary Singapore. We hope you'll join us for worship, service, and fellowship soon! God bless.

People Also Ask About Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore

Immaculate Heart of Mary is a church that has been serving the Catholic community in Singapore for many years. As such, there are a number of questions that people often ask about this institution. Below are some of these questions along with answers:

  • What is Immaculate Heart of Mary?
    • Immaculate Heart of Mary is a Catholic church located in Singapore. It is one of many churches that make up the Catholic diocese of Singapore.
  • Who can attend services at Immaculate Heart of Mary?
    • Anyone is welcome to attend services at Immaculate Heart of Mary. The church is open to all members of the public regardless of their religion or beliefs.
  • When are the services held at Immaculate Heart of Mary?
    • Services are held regularly at Immaculate Heart of Mary. However, the schedule may vary depending on the time of year and other factors. It is best to check the church's website or contact them directly for up-to-date information on their services.
  • What ministries and programs are offered at Immaculate Heart of Mary?
    • Immaculate Heart of Mary offers a variety of ministries and programs aimed at helping members of the community grow in their faith and connect with others. These include programs for children, youth and adults, as well as support groups for individuals experiencing various life challenges.
  • How can I get involved with Immaculate Heart of Mary?
    • There are many ways to get involved with Immaculate Heart of Mary. You can attend services, volunteer for one of their ministries or programs, donate to support the church's work, or simply connect with other members of the community.

People Also Ask About Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore

1. What is Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore?

Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is a Catholic church located in Singapore. It is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, which is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The church serves as a place of worship, prayer, and community for Catholics in Singapore.

2. What are the activities offered at Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore?

Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore offers a wide range of activities for its members and the community. These activities include daily Masses, sacraments such as Baptism and Holy Matrimony, religious education classes, retreats, prayer groups, and various ministries catering to different age groups and interests. The church also organizes outreach programs to support the less fortunate and promote social justice.

3. How can I get involved in the community at Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore?

Getting involved in the community at Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is encouraged and welcomed. You can start by attending Mass regularly and participating in the various ministries and activities offered by the church. These may include serving as a lector, altar server, choir member, or joining a prayer group or Bible study. Additionally, you can volunteer for outreach programs and contribute your skills and talents to benefit the community.

4. Is Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore open to non-Catholics?

Yes, Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore is open to non-Catholics. The church welcomes individuals of all faith backgrounds who are interested in learning about Catholicism or participating in the activities and events organized by the church. Non-Catholics can attend Mass, join in community activities, and engage in dialogue with members of the church.

5. How can I contact Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore?

To contact Immaculate Heart Of Mary Singapore, you can visit their official website and find their contact information. They have provided phone numbers, email addresses, and a physical address where you can reach out to them for inquiries, requests, or any other communication needs. The church staff will be happy to assist you with any questions or assistance you may require.