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Get Insights on Singapore's Average Height by Age: A Comprehensive Guide

Singapore Average Height By Age

Discover the average height by age in Singapore. Find out how tall individuals typically grow from childhood to adulthood in this vibrant city-state.

Have you ever wondered how tall Singaporeans are? Do you want to know the average height at different ages? Look no further, because in this article, we will be exploring Singapore average height by age.

Firstly, let's talk about the overall average height in Singapore. According to a study by the National University of Singapore, the average height for adult males is around 171 cm, and for adult females, it is around 160 cm.

However, height varies depending on the age group. For children aged 1 to 17 years old, the average height is around 110 cm to 168 cm, depending on their age and gender. Boys tend to grow taller than girls during their adolescent years due to hormones and genetics.

It's interesting to note that Singaporeans are actually getting taller over the years. In the past, the average height for adult males was around 167 cm, and for adult females, it was around 156 cm. This increase in height can be attributed to better nutrition and healthcare in Singapore.

If you're curious about how your height compares to the average, here's a quick rundown of the average height by age group:

  • 1-4 years old: 87 cm - 105 cm
  • 5-7 years old: 105 cm - 120 cm
  • 8-10 years old: 120 cm - 135 cm
  • 11-12 years old: 135 cm - 148 cm (girls) / 140 cm - 153 cm (boys)
  • 13-15 years old: 148 cm - 159 cm (girls) / 153 cm - 168 cm (boys)
  • 16-17 years old: 155 cm - 168 cm (girls) / 165 cm - 180 cm (boys)

Of course, it's important to remember that height is just a number and doesn't define your worth or abilities. There are plenty of successful and accomplished individuals who are shorter or taller than the average height.

However, height can have an impact on certain aspects of life. For example, studies have shown that taller people tend to earn more money and have better job opportunities. Additionally, some sports may favor those who are taller.

Regardless of your height, it's important to focus on being healthy and happy. Maintaining a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep can help you reach your full potential in all areas of your life.

In conclusion, Singapore average height by age varies depending on the age group. However, the overall average height for adult males and females has increased over the years. While height can have an impact on certain aspects of life, it's important to remember that it doesn't define your worth or abilities. Focus on being healthy and happy, and the rest will fall into place.


Singapore is known for its high standard of living, developed infrastructure, and flourishing economy. The country's populace is one of the most diverse in the world. Along with this, Singaporeans are also known for their healthy lifestyle and fitness culture. One testament to this is the average height of its citizens.

What Determines Height?

Height is determined by various factors such as genetics, environment, and nutrition. Genetics plays a vital role in determining how tall a person can grow. If both parents are genetically tall, it is highly likely that their offspring will also be tall. Environmental factors like physical activity, sleep pattern, stress level, and living conditions can affect the height of a person. A well-rounded diet rich in protein and calcium also contributes to an individual’s height.

Height Statistics in Singapore

According to recent statistics, the average height of Singaporeans is 172.4cm for males and 160.5cm for females. This data may vary according to age group. Let us look at the average height of Singaporeans in different age groups.

Children (0-11 Years)

For children aged between 0-11 years, the average heights for boys and girls are around 118 cm and 115 cm, respectively. This is because they are still growing and their height development is generally slow at this age.

Adolescents (12-18 Years)

During adolescence, there is a significant growth spurt; hence, this is the age group with the biggest difference in male and female height. For boys aged between 12-18 years, their average height is around 164 cm. On the other hand, girls aged between 12-18 years have an average height of around 156 cm.

Adults (19-64 Years)

The difference in average heights between men and women narrows down in adulthood. For men aged between 19-64 years, their average height is around 174 cm. For women aged between 19-64 years, their average height is around 162cm.

Elderly (65 Years+)

Elderly Singaporeans aged 65 years and above, have an average height of around 160 cm for men and 150 cm for women. This is because as people age, they tend to shrink in height due to age-related skeletal changes.


Overall, the average height of Singaporeans is fairly consistent with that of other developed countries. Genetics play a significant role in determining the ultimate height of an individual. However, environmental factors like nutrition and physical activities are also important. Hence, maintaining a healthy lifestyle from an early age can help individuals reach their maximum height potential.

A Comparison of Singapore Average Height by Age


One of the most important aspects of a child's development is their growth. This is particularly true in Singapore, where height is considered an important factor in determining health and well-being. In this article, we'll compare Singapore's average height by age and discuss the factors that contribute to these differences.

The Importance of Measuring Height

Measuring height is a critical component of tracking a child's health and well-being. It's used as an indicator of nutritional status, physical development, and overall health. In Singapore, the government regularly measures the height and weight of school-aged children to determine their growth patterns and identify any issues that may need to be addressed.

Factors that Influence Height

There are several factors that contribute to a person's height, including genetics, nutrition, and environmental factors. Genetics play a significant role in determining how tall a person will be, but environmental factors such as nutrition and exercise can also impact growth.

Height Trends in Singapore

According to data from the World Health Organization, the average height of Singaporeans has increased steadily over the past few decades. In 1980, the average height for adult men was 167.4 cm, while women had an average height of 155.4 cm. By 2014, these averages had increased to 172.5 cm for men and 159.7 cm for women.

Average Height by Age Group

The following table shows the average height for Singaporean children by age group:
Age Group Average Height (Boys) Average Height (Girls)
0-12 months 62.1 cm 59.9 cm
1-2 years 81.1 cm 79.6 cm
3-4 years 97.9 cm 96.3 cm
5-6 years 111.1 cm 110.0 cm
7-8 years 122.4 cm 122.2 cm
9-10 years 133.4 cm 132.7 cm
11-12 years 143.6 cm 142.6 cm

Growth Spurts

Children experience several growth spurts during their early years, typically around the ages of 2-3 and 8-14. During these periods, children may grow as much as 1-2 inches per year. The timing and extent of these spurts can vary widely from child to child, so it's important to track a child's height over time to identify any potential issues.

The Role of Nutrition

Good nutrition is critical to ensuring healthy growth and development. In Singapore, the government provides a range of programs and resources to promote healthy eating habits and ensure that children are getting the nutrients they need. These include school-based nutrition education programs, food fortification initiatives, and subsidies for healthy foods.


Height is an important indicator of health and well-being, particularly in children. In Singapore, the government has implemented several measures to ensure that children are growing and developing properly, including regular measurements of height and weight, nutrition education programs, and food subsidies. By understanding the factors that contribute to healthy growth and development, parents and policymakers can work together to ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Singapore Average Height By Age

Height is one of the crucial parameters to measure the standard of living for any population. The height of an individual is significantly influenced by genetic, environmental, and nutritional factors. Records indicate that the average height of Singaporeans has grown over time, and it ranks amongst the highest globally. This article aims to shed light on the average height of Singaporeans by age and provide tips to promote healthy growth in children.

Infants (0-12 months)

The average height of a newborn baby in Singapore ranges between 48-54cm, while the weight varies from 2.5 to 4.5 kg. Babies grow at an astounding rate during the first year of life with an expected growth rate of 25cm, giving them double their birth length, and their weight triples.

To ensure the healthy development of your infant, it is essential to provide them with breast milk or formula that contains all necessary nutrients such as protein, calcium, vitamin D, etc. Other measures include cuddling, skin-to-skin contact, frequent diaper change, and regular doctor check-ups.

Toddlers (1 to 3 years)

The average height for toddlers aged 1-3 years in Singapore is 75-97cm for girls and 74-97cm for boys. Toddlers need adequate nutrition to fuel their energetic movements, build sturdy bones, and form a robust immune system.

You can establish healthy habits such as eating a balanced and diverse diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean meat or protein alternatives like tofu, eggs, and beans. Limiting sugary snacks and drinks also supports healthy growth and reduces the risk of obesity, tooth decay, and other chronic diseases.

Children (4-12 years)

The average height for children aged 4-12 years in Singapore ranges from 107-145cm for girls and 107-148cm for boys. This phase of growth and development is critical to ensure the growth of a strong and healthy body.

Aside from a healthy diet, physical activity, such as running, jumping, cycling, and swimming, promotes bone development and muscle strength. It also helps maintain a healthy weight while reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension.

Adolescents (13-18 years)

The average height of adolescents aged 13-18 years in Singapore is 152-164cm for girls and 160-174cm for boys. During adolescence, physical, emotional, and social changes occur at an accelerated pace.

A balanced diet, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and avoiding alcohol, smoking, and drug use are paramount to maintain optimal health during this phase. Ensuring adequate calcium, vitamin D, and iron intake supports bone mass and prevents anemia, which affects around one in ten adolescents in Singapore.

Adults (18+ years)

The average height for adults in Singapore is 168.4cm for females and 176.2cm for males. Adults commonly face issues such as unhealthy diets, sedentary lifestyle, work-related stress, and unhealthy habits that can affect their overall health and height.

To achieve optimal health and maintain growth, adults should engage in regular physical activity, including strength training, brisk walking, yoga, or other suitable activities. A healthy diet consisting of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and lean protein sources with limited added sugar and salt helps to maintain a healthy weight, prevent chronic diseases, and promote good gut health.

Tips for promoting healthy growth in children

1. Offer a balanced and varied diet rich in essential nutrients like protein, vitamins, and minerals.

2. Encourage physical activity such as running, cycling, swimming, or any preferred sport that involves movement.

3. Limit sugary snacks and drinks and avoid junk food or unhealthy eating habits.

4. Prioritize sleep to ensure maximum growth hormone secretion and regeneration of the body.

5. Encourage regular check-ups with a pediatrician to monitor growth and detect any underlying issues early on.


Height is an essential parameter that indicates the overall health and standard of living of a population. Singapore ranks amongst the tallest nations globally, and it's average height continues to rise. Providing proper nutrition, regular exercise, adequate sleep, and routine check-ups are some of the key strategies to ensure healthy growth and development in children and maintain optimal health for adults.

Hello, dear visitor! Now that you have gone through this article on Singaporean average height by age, we hope you have gained a better understanding of the height trends in this beautiful country.

As we have seen, Singaporeans are generally taller compared to their Asian counterparts. While genetics may play a role, factors such as nutrition, lifestyle, and health are also vital determining factors for growth and development.

Despite some age groups experiencing a slight drop in height averages, Singapore remains one of the countries with the highest overall growth rates. The government's efforts in improving public health, implementing growth monitoring programs, and encouraging healthy lifestyles have contributed to this growth.

In conclusion, it is essential to monitor growth and development continually, especially in children, and take action when necessary. Proper nutrition, exercise, and healthcare play a vital role in ensuring optimal growth and development.

We hope this article has been informative and enlightening, and you have enjoyed reading it as much as we did writing it. Stay tuned for more exciting content from us!

People also ask about Singapore Average Height By Age:

1. What is the average height for males and females in Singapore?
The average height for males in Singapore is 174.86 cm (5ft 8.8in) and for females it is 162.56 cm (5ft 4in).2. What is the average height for children in Singapore?
The average height for children in Singapore varies based on their age. For example, the average height for a 3-year-old is around 95 cm, while for a 10-year-old it is 140 cm.3. Does exercise affect height in Singapore?
Exercise can help children and teenagers in Singapore reach their maximum potential height, but it cannot significantly increase height beyond their genetic potential.4. How does Singapore's average height compare to other countries?
In terms of average height, Singapore ranks higher than many countries in Southeast Asia. However, its average height is still not as high as some Western and Northern European countries.5. Can diet affect height in Singapore?
A balanced diet rich in nutrients such as protein and calcium can help children in Singapore grow taller. However, it is not the only factor that determines a person's height. Genetics also play a significant role.

People also ask about Singapore Average Height By Age

What is the average height of people in Singapore?

In Singapore, the average height of the population varies depending on factors such as age, gender, and ethnicity. Generally, the average height for adults in Singapore is around 162 centimeters (5 feet 4 inches) for males and 153 centimeters (5 feet) for females.

Does height vary by age in Singapore?

Yes, height does vary by age in Singapore. During childhood and adolescence, individuals experience growth spurts, resulting in an increase in height. However, once individuals reach adulthood, their growth plates fuse and their height stabilizes.

Factors influencing height variation by age:

  1. Genetics: Genetic factors play a significant role in determining an individual's maximum potential height. These genetic factors are passed down from parents and can influence height development throughout different stages of life.

  2. Nutrition: Adequate nutrition during childhood and adolescence is crucial for proper growth and development. A balanced diet that includes essential nutrients like protein, calcium, and vitamins contributes to optimal height attainment.

  3. Health conditions: Certain health conditions or diseases can affect height growth. Chronic illnesses, hormonal imbalances, or malnutrition can hinder normal growth and result in shorter stature.

  4. Physical activity: Regular physical activity and exercise promote healthy bone development, muscle growth, and overall physical well-being. Engaging in physical activities during growth years can positively impact height development.

Is there a difference in average height between genders?

Yes, there is a difference in average height between males and females in Singapore. On average, males tend to be taller than females. However, it is important to note that height can vary among individuals due to genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.

Are there any ethnic differences in average height in Singapore?

Yes, there are ethnic differences in average height in Singapore. Different ethnic groups may have distinct genetic traits that influence height variations. For example, on average, individuals of Chinese ethnicity in Singapore tend to be taller compared to individuals of Malay or Indian ethnicity. However, it is essential to remember that height can still vary significantly within each ethnic group.

In conclusion, the average height of people in Singapore varies by age, gender, and ethnicity. Factors such as genetics, nutrition, health conditions, and physical activity can all contribute to height variation throughout different stages of life. It is important to note that while average heights provide a general understanding, individual height can still vary greatly within a population.