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Singapore Association For The Deaf: Empowering the Deaf Community.

Singapore Association For The Deaf

Singapore Association For The Deaf aims to empower the deaf community through education, advocacy, and support. Join us in creating an inclusive society!

Did you know that there are about 200,000 deaf or hard-of-hearing individuals living in Singapore? And yet, despite their numbers, they often face significant barriers to communication and access. That's why the Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) has been working tirelessly for the past 60 years to improve the lives of deaf individuals and promote greater understanding and inclusivity in the wider community.

At its core, SADeaf is dedicated to advocating for the rights and needs of the deaf community. This includes campaigning for better access to education, employment, and public services, as well as raising awareness about the challenges – and strengths – of deaf culture. Through their tireless efforts, SADeaf has helped to create a more supportive and inclusive society for everyone.

One of the most important services provided by SADeaf is sign language interpretation. Many hearing individuals take for granted the ability to communicate easily with others, but for the deaf community, this can be a constant struggle. SADeaf's team of skilled interpreters help to bridge this gap, making it possible for deaf individuals to access everything from medical appointments and legal consultations to educational programs and social events.

Beyond interpretation, SADeaf also provides a wide range of other support services to help deaf individuals thrive. This includes vocational training programs, counselling and emotional support, and opportunities for social engagement and recreational activities. By creating a strong sense of community and support, SADeaf empowers deaf individuals to pursue their goals and dreams.

Of course, all of these services require funding and support. If you're looking for a way to make a positive impact in your local community, consider supporting SADeaf through donations or volunteer work. Even small contributions can make a big difference in helping the organization continue its vital work.

If you're someone who is deaf or hard-of-hearing, it's important to know that you're not alone. SADeaf is here to help connect you with the resources and support you need to live a fulfilling and independent life. Whether you're looking for educational opportunities, employment support, or just a welcoming community of peers, SADeaf has something to offer.

Perhaps most importantly, SADeaf helps to break down the walls of miscommunication and misunderstanding that often exist between the deaf and hearing worlds. By promoting greater understanding and awareness of the unique challenges and strengths of deaf culture, SADeaf is helping to create a more united, integrated society for everyone.

In short, if you care about building a more inclusive, supportive society for all Singaporeans, SADeaf is an organization that deserves your attention and support. Whether you're deaf yourself, know someone who is, or simply want to make a difference in your local community, there are countless ways to get involved with this incredible organization.

If you're looking for a way to get started, visit the SADeaf website to learn more about their programs and services, and find out how you can donate or volunteer today. Together, we can help make a world where deaf individuals are fully included and empowered to achieve their goals and dreams.

About Singapore Association for the Deaf

Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) is a non-profit organization that was established in 1955. The main objective of this association is to help deaf persons in Singapore lead socially integrated and more fulfilled lives.

History of SADeaf

SADeaf originated from a group of deaf people who formed the Singapore Deaf Club back in 1949. Later, in 1955, the Singapore Deaf Welfare League was formed with an aim to promote the welfare of deaf people through education and training.

They worked closely with other organizations such as the Singapore Council of Social Services, and in 1973, the Singapore Deaf Welfare League was transformed into what we now know as the Singapore Association for the Deaf.

Mission Statement of SADeaf

The mission of SADeaf is to promote the well-being of all deaf persons in Singapore by providing support, information and training to help them achieve their fullest potential.

The association strives to empower deaf people to be active members of society through education, advocacy, and public awareness programs.

Services Offered by SADeaf

SADeaf offers a wide range of services that are aimed at supporting the deaf community in Singapore. These services include:

  • Sign language courses for individuals, schools, and corporations
  • Counselling services for deaf individuals and their families
  • Employment assistance for deaf job seekers
  • Advocacy on behalf of the deaf community
  • Assistance with communication between the deaf and hearing communities
  • Social and recreational activities for the deaf community

Funding for SADeaf

SADeaf receives funding from various sources such as the government, private companies, and individual donors. The funds are typically used to support the various programs and services offered by the association.

Partnerships of SADeaf

SADeaf collaborates with various organizations such as the Singapore Association of the Visually Handicapped (SAVH), the National Council of Social Services (NCSS), and the National University Hospital (NUH) to provide comprehensive services for the deaf community.

Future Plans of SADeaf

SADeaf aims to continue providing quality services and support to the deaf community in Singapore. Some of the future plans of the association include:

  • Expanding their services to reach a larger audience
  • Developing new programs that address the changing needs of the deaf community
  • Working with other organizations to promote greater awareness of the needs of the deaf community


SADeaf has played an instrumental role in promoting the well-being of the deaf community in Singapore for over six decades. Through their various programs and services, they have helped to empower deaf individuals and ensure they have the support they need to lead fulfilling lives.

As the needs of the deaf community continue to evolve, SADeaf remains committed to adapting and expanding their services to meet the changing demands of this population. With continued support from the government, private sector, and individual donors, SADeaf will continue to serve as a valuable resource for the deaf community in Singapore.


Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) is a non-profit organization founded in 1955, that aims to empower the deaf and hard-of-hearing community through education, advocacy, and outreach services. Today, SADeaf has become a leading voice for the millions of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in Singapore. In this article, we will be comparing and contrasting SADeaf with other organizations that have similar goals and discuss why this association is unique.

Mission and vision

One of the most important things to consider when evaluating an organization is its mission and vision. SADeaf's mission is to empower and advocate for the deaf and hard-of-hearing community in Singapore. The association envisions a society that is inclusive and supportive of people with hearing loss.

Other organizations such as the National Association of the Deaf (NAD) in the United States have a similar mission to SADeaf's. However, SADeaf has a unique focus on Singapore and caters specifically to the needs of the local deaf and hard-of-hearing community.

Services offered

SADeaf provides a wide range of services to support the deaf and hard-of-hearing community in Singapore. Some of the services they offer include:

  • Sign language classes and interpreter services
  • Employment services and job training programs
  • Counseling and mental health support
  • Sports and recreational programs
  • Community outreach and advocacy

While other organizations such as the Hearing Loss Association of America also provide similar services, SADeaf has tailored its programs to meet the unique needs of the Singapore community. For example, they offer Sign Language Interpretation (SLI) services for various government and non-government organizations such as hospitals and courts.


One of the key features of SADeaf is that it is a membership-based organization. Members can participate in activities and programs, attend social events, and receive support from the association. As of 2021, SADeaf has over 8,000 members.

The National Association of the Deaf in the United States also operates on a membership model. However, unlike SADeaf, NAD also advocates for national policies and legislation that affect people who are deaf or hard of hearing.


SADeaf is a non-profit organization that relies on funding and donations to operate. The organization receives funding from various sources including the government, corporations, and individuals. They also hold fundraising events to raise money for their programs and services.

NAD also depends on donations and funding to continue operating. However, they have more resources available due to their wider scope and focus on national-level advocacy work.

Advocacy efforts

One of the primary objectives of SADeaf is to advocate for the rights and needs of the deaf and hard-of-hearing community in Singapore. They work closely with policymakers and other organizations to ensure that the interests of their members are represented at all levels of society.

Similarly, the Hearing Loss Association of America and NAD also strive to influence policy decisions and fight for the rights of people with hearing loss. However, NAD's advocacy work extends far beyond the bounds of the United States and includes international efforts to promote access and equality for people with hearing loss worldwide.

Community outreach

SADeaf places a significant emphasis on community outreach and engagement. The association regularly hosts events, workshops, and other activities to encourage public awareness of deafness and promote inclusivity. They also work with schools and other organizations to provide deaf-friendly services and education.

The Hearing Loss Association of America also provides resources and support for the broader hearing loss community. However, their focus is primarily on providing information and assistance to individuals and families affected by hearing loss rather than engaging with the broader community.


In conclusion, SADeaf is an essential organization that serves as an advocate for people who are deaf or hard of hearing in Singapore. While there are other similar organizations operating globally, SADeaf has a unique focus on the local community and tailors its programs to meet its diverse needs. They continue to provide invaluable services and support to individuals, families, and organizations in Singapore and create a more inclusive society for everyone.

About Singapore Association for the Deaf

Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) is a non-profit organization established in 1955. The main aim of this organization is to advocate, promote, and support the needs of the deaf community in Singapore. SADeaf also serves as a platform for deaf individuals to connect with each other, share experiences, and learn new skills.

Services offered by Singapore Association for the Deaf

SADeaf provides a wide range of services to support the deaf community in Singapore. Some of the services offered by SADeaf are:

  1. Deaf Awareness Programmes: SADeaf conducts various deaf awareness programmes to educate the public about the deaf community and their needs. These programmes aim to promote understanding, acceptance, and respect for the deaf.
  2. Social Services: SADeaf provides social and welfare services to deaf individuals and their families. These services include counselling, financial assistance, and support for employment and education.
  3. Skills Training: SADeaf offers various skills training programmes to enhance the employability of deaf individuals. These programmes cover a wide range of skills, such as computer skills, sign language interpretation, and job-specific skills.
  4. Community Outreach: SADeaf conducts regular community outreach programmes to reach out to the deaf community and provide them with the necessary support and resources.

How to get involved with Singapore Association for the Deaf

If you are interested in getting involved with SADeaf, there are several ways to do so:

  1. Volunteer: SADeaf welcomes volunteers who are willing to support their cause. Volunteers can help with various tasks, such as organising events and programmes, providing support to the deaf community, and fundraising.
  2. Donate: SADeaf relies on donations from individuals and organizations to fund its programmes and services. You can make a donation online or by cheque to support their cause.
  3. Attend Events: SADeaf organises various events throughout the year, such as fundraisers, workshops, and social gatherings. Attending these events is a great way to connect with the deaf community and learn more about their needs and experiences.

Benefits of getting involved with Singapore Association for the Deaf

Getting involved with SADeaf can bring several benefits:

  1. Giving back to the community: By volunteering or donating, you can contribute to the betterment of the deaf community and make a positive impact on their lives.
  2. Learning new skills: SADeaf offers various training programmes that can help you acquire new skills and enhance your professional development.
  3. Networking: Being a part of the SADeaf community can provide you with opportunities to connect with other like-minded individuals, build relationships, and expand your network.


Singapore Association for the Deaf is an essential organization that supports the needs of the deaf community in Singapore. Through its various programmes and services, SADeaf promotes understanding, acceptance, and respect for the deaf and provides them with the necessary support and resources. If you are interested in supporting SADeaf's cause, there are several ways to get involved and contribute to the betterment of the deaf community in Singapore.

Welcome to our blog about the Singapore Association for the Deaf! Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this organization and its mission, as well as educate readers about the importance of supporting the deaf community.

The Singapore Association for the Deaf (SADeaf) is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1955. Its mission is to empower and enhance the lives of the deaf community in Singapore by promoting their rights and advocating for their needs, as well as providing a range of services and programs designed to support their social, educational, and vocational development.

SADeaf offers a wide range of programs for the deaf community, including education, employment, and social services. Some of their programs include sign language classes, job training and placement, counseling services, and social events that promote community building and participation. They also provide advocacy services to ensure that the needs and rights of the deaf community are being met in Singapore.

One of the key challenges faced by the deaf community is communication barriers. This is why SADeaf’s sign language classes are an essential part of their work. By teaching sign language to both the deaf and hearing communities, they are helping to bridge the gap between the two groups and promote better communication and understanding.

Another important program offered by SADeaf is their employment services. Finding employment can be particularly difficult for the deaf community due to discrimination and a lack of understanding from employers. SADeaf provides job training and education to help overcome these barriers, as well as job placement services that can connect deaf job seekers with employers who are committed to diversity and inclusion.

SADeaf’s counseling services also play a vital role in promoting the mental health and well-being of the deaf community. The unique challenges faced by deaf individuals, such as communication barriers and social isolation, can sometimes lead to feelings of loneliness and depression. SADeaf’s counselors provide emotional support and guidance to help individuals overcome these challenges and live fulfilling lives.

At SADeaf, community building and social engagement are also prioritized. The organization hosts a variety of social events throughout the year, such as sport competitions, movie nights, and cultural celebrations. These events provide opportunities for the deaf community to come together, socialize, and build friendships that can last a lifetime.

The work of SADeaf is incredibly important and impactful. By supporting the deaf community in Singapore, they are not only enhancing the lives of individuals but also promoting a more inclusive and diverse society. We hope this blog has been informative and has inspired you to get involved and support the work of SADeaf.

Remember, communication is key. By learning sign language and promoting understanding and acceptance of the deaf community, we can all work towards a brighter future where everyone is valued and included.

Thank you for reading, and we hope to see you supporting SADeaf and its mission in the future!

People also ask about Singapore Association for the Deaf:

  • 1. What is the purpose of the Singapore Association for the Deaf?
  • The purpose of the Singapore Association for the Deaf is to assist individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing to integrate into the society, to provide support services and to promote their welfare in education, employment, communication, and accessibility.

  • 2. What services does the Singapore Association for the Deaf offer?
  • The Singapore Association for the Deaf offers a range of services including advocacy and counselling, interpretation, sign language classes, deaf culture awareness programmes, employment services, and vocational training.

  • 3. How can I support the Singapore Association for the Deaf?
  • You can support the Singapore Association for the Deaf by volunteering your time, making a donation, or attending their fundraising events. You can also spread awareness about their services and the needs of the deaf community.

  • 4. Is the Singapore Association for the Deaf open to anyone?
  • Yes, the Singapore Association for the Deaf is open to anyone who wants to learn about deaf culture, access their services, or support their cause.

  • 5. How do I contact the Singapore Association for the Deaf?
  • You can contact the Singapore Association for the Deaf through their website, email, phone, or social media platforms.

People Also Ask About Singapore Association For The Deaf

1. What is the Singapore Association For The Deaf?

The Singapore Association For The Deaf (SADeaf) is a non-profit organization that aims to assist and empower the Deaf community in Singapore. It was established in 1955 and has been dedicated to promoting the well-being, education, and social integration of the Deaf individuals in Singapore.

2. What services does the Singapore Association For The Deaf provide?

SADeaf provides a wide range of services and programs to support the Deaf community. These include:

  • Sign language classes: SADeaf offers sign language courses for both the Deaf and hearing individuals who wish to learn sign language.
  • Employment support: The association helps the Deaf in finding employment opportunities and offers vocational training programs.
  • Counselling services: SADeaf provides counselling services to address the emotional and psychological needs of the Deaf community.
  • Community events and activities: They organize various social events and activities to foster a sense of community among the Deaf individuals.
  • Advocacy and awareness: SADeaf advocates for the rights and inclusion of the Deaf in society and raises awareness about Deaf culture and issues.

3. How can I get involved with the Singapore Association For The Deaf?

If you wish to get involved with SADeaf, you can consider the following options:

  1. Volunteering: You can volunteer your time and skills to assist in their programs and activities.
  2. Donations: SADeaf relies on donations to continue providing their services, so you can contribute financially to support their cause.
  3. Participating in events: Join their community events and activities to interact with the Deaf community and show your support.
  4. Spreading awareness: Help raise awareness about the Deaf community and their needs by sharing information and educating others.

4. Is the Singapore Association For The Deaf only for Deaf individuals?

No, the Singapore Association For The Deaf is not limited to Deaf individuals only. It welcomes anyone who is interested in supporting the Deaf community and promoting inclusivity. Whether you are Deaf, hearing, or somewhere in between, you can engage with SADeaf's programs, services, and events.

In conclusion, the Singapore Association For The Deaf is a vital organization that provides essential services and support to the Deaf community in Singapore. Through their efforts, they aim to empower the Deaf individuals, promote their well-being, and foster inclusivity in society.